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Abe's Oddysee reconstructed.

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span>, a critically acclaimed restoration of Abe's Oddysee, is available for pre-order now on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, with a 10% pre-order discount!

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> earns the right to call itself a true remake. It's so much more than just a graphical upgrade, it's a modern retelling of the unforgettable experience that Abe's Oddysee was all these years ago. The unsettlingly beautiful visuals, the disturbingly odd universe, and the unforgivingly difficult gameplay were enough to leave a lasting impression on anyone who encountered Abe's Oddysee. Seventeen years later, <span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> retains the setting, the sounds, and the flavor; all brought up to modern platforming par, and beyond, with updated controls, refined mechanics and a reconstructed experience.

If you pre-order, you'll also receive two pieces of New 'n' Tasty DLC for free:
-Bonus level: Alf's Escape
-Alternative costume: Scrub Abe

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> makes a tremendous impression, rose-tinted glasses not required. You can pre-order it now, DRM-free on!
yyahoo: I'm not sure what kind of attitude you think I have. I do not like DLC, particularly Day 1 DLC. I expressed my opinion. I didn't call anyone names.

If I don't immediately buy a game, don't you think the devs would like to know why? If I were I dev, I sure would...
OddworldAdmin: For what it's worth, it's only "day 1" because it's the same DLC that hit the PS4 last August. Rather than have it a month after launch like we did on PS4 (as it was still being developed) we're releasing it at launch.
I understand the position that you are in. Small DLC's have become an industry standard and it's difficult to throw away the opportunity to make that type of extra revenue.

There are a lot of old school gamers, like me, that just don't like this concept. We hate paying for small little extra contents, but at the same time we hate knowing that we don't have the complete package. It's that latter feeling that drives DLC sales, but it's the former that puts a bad taste in our mouths.

You feel like if you include what was previously DLC for the PS4 version in the PC version from the very start that you're throwing away an opportunity to give PC gamers an incentive to pre-order *and* an opportunity to garner additional revenue after the game launches for those that want the "complete" game, especially revenue that helps additionally cover the original development of that PS4 DLC.

I understand. I just have trouble supporting it. I'll purchase your game, but I'll wait, most likely for a good sale. I simply need my voice to be heard.

I apologize. I don't mean to put you in a bad position, but I just wanted to be clear. Thanks for listening.
high rated
OddworldAdmin: For what it's worth, it's only "day 1" because it's the same DLC that hit the PS4 last August. Rather than have it a month after launch like we did on PS4 (as it was still being developed) we're releasing it at launch.
yyahoo: I understand the position that you are in. Small DLC's have become an industry standard and it's difficult to throw away the opportunity to make that type of extra revenue.

There are a lot of old school gamers, like me, that just don't like this concept. We hate paying for small little extra contents, but at the same time we hate knowing that we don't have the complete package. It's that latter feeling that drives DLC sales, but it's the former that puts a bad taste in our mouths.

You feel like if you include what was previously DLC for the PS4 version in the PC version from the very start that you're throwing away an opportunity to give PC gamers an incentive to pre-order *and* an opportunity to garner additional revenue after the game launches for those that want the "complete" game, especially revenue that helps additionally cover the original development of that PS4 DLC.

I understand. I just have trouble supporting it. I'll purchase your game, but I'll wait, most likely for a good sale. I simply need my voice to be heard.

I apologize. I don't mean to put you in a bad position, but I just wanted to be clear. Thanks for listening.
Not a problem, happy to discuss our reasoning here. :)

We do honestly feel like New 'n' Tasty is a complete package, though, as it is. After all, it's been in development for years and got the reviews it did without anyone playing Alf's Escape.

The DLC is - as we've said - entirely optional and sits at the end of the Chapter Select as a distinct extra. It has its own leaderboard for speedrunning and features brand new levels and gameplay, but yeah - is absolutely optional.

We don't think there are a huge amount of reviews for Alf's Escape out there, just some impressions, but there's likely a YouTube playthrough. Have a watch, see if it's your thing or not. :)

Edit: yep:

Shows off some of the cool new level design and the new mechanics at the half way stage. :)
Post edited February 18, 2015 by OddworldAdmin
oooo *does happy dance*
OddworldAdmin: snip
Thanks gog and oddworld for bringing this remake here, much appreciated! ;)
MIK0: The thing is that preorder discount and extra contents, while maybe available later, push the customers to buy without being properly informed hoping in a better deal. There's no way to buy informed and with a good deal because being informed take time and require the game to be available and reviewed.
In this case this is aggravated by the dishonest practice of regional pricing, so the customers that has to pay the unrequired additional fee because live in a different country may choose to give it in to the preorder to compensate for the damage he receive by the discriminatory service he is offered. It's a way to push an unliked decision to lessen another one.
While perfectly legal, that describe the provider of the service or the maker of the product as someone you should not fully trust.

That's why some people are concerned, an rightly so.
Regional pricing is perfectly fair and honest, but I agree with the rest. It's just baiting fools with extras. Just including the "bonus" content for the first week would show a more honest approach.
MIK0: The thing is that preorder discount and extra contents, while maybe available later, push the customers* to buy without being properly informed hoping in a better deal. There's no way to buy informed and with a good deal because being informed take time and require the game to be available and reviewed.**
I really don't see your problem.

There are three possible ways to choose from:

1.) Preorder the game now (and get the bonus level and the costume for free)

2.) Wait for the reviews of the PC version, and (if those reviews are to your liking), buy the game (and pay some extra dough for the bonus level and the costume - IF - you decide, you want them)

3.) Wait for the reviews of the PC version, and (if those reviews are to your liking), wait further for the inevitable sale and buy the game and the bonus level and the costume for 33% - 66% off the preorder price.

Which one shall it be for you?

* No one's pushing you to purchase right now.
** There IS a way to inform yourself AND get a better deal, at a time when the game IS AVAILABLE AND REVIEWED.

See - no problem!
low rated
MIK0: The thing is that preorder discount and extra contents, while maybe available later, push the customers* to buy without being properly informed hoping in a better deal. There's no way to buy informed and with a good deal because being informed take time and require the game to be available and reviewed.**
BreOl72: I really don't see your problem.

There are three possible ways to choose from:

1.) Preorder the game now (and get the bonus level and the costume for free)

2.) Wait for the reviews of the PC version, and (if those reviews are to your liking), buy the game (and pay some extra dough for the bonus level and the costume - IF - you decide, you want them)

3.) Wait for the reviews of the PC version, and (if those reviews are to your liking), wait further for the inevitable sale and buy the game and the bonus level and the costume for 33% - 66% off the preorder price.

Which one shall it be for you?

* No one's pushing you to purchase right now.
** There IS a way to inform yourself AND get a better deal, at a time when the game IS AVAILABLE AND REVIEWED.

See - no problem!
Why is the content free right away only if you pre-order, rather than buying on day one or day two?
Happy to see this game here. I love the Oddworld games and I was hoping that the remake would come here. Thank you gog and oddworld!
I really don't get why all this discussion is going on. I have a very strong stance against abusive DLC and pre-orders. Where you get locked out of content permanently or can't enjoy the game with out the DLC. This case how ever is not that. 2 mins of Google search reveal the DLC is absolutely separate from the base game. Optional and aimed at a certain demographic. You can have any opinion on DLC and pre-orders. But just bashing it because it is the concept is short sighted and missing the point. DLC and pre-orders aren't something inherently bad. The way the are often used is. This isn't one of this cases though.

Non the less shout outs to the oddworld team for coming out and facing all the critic and engaging in an discussion!
The title makes me hungry >.>

Will definitely score it, though :)
Post edited February 18, 2015 by JinseiNGC224
I'm seeing a lot of misinformation here.

1. This is not Day 1 DLC, this DLC was made after the game was released for PS4 and is now coming to Steam and GOG because the game itself was not available for PC before
2. These DLCs are not exclusive to the pre-order period. You CAN buy them after the pre-order period

Please do some research before jumping to conclusions.
Post edited February 18, 2015 by opticq
opticq: I'm seeing a lot of misinformation here.

1. This is not Day 1 DLC, this DLC was made after the game was released for PS4 and is now coming to Steam and GOG because the game itself was not available for PC before
2. These DLCs are not exclusive to the pre-order period. You CAN buy them after the pre-order period
Why do I have to buy them on day one and they're free the day before?
I had no idea this was being made, buying now and looking forward to trying it out. I do appreciate that the DLC will at least be available to purchase on a later date, I hate pre-order exclusives.
opticq: I'm seeing a lot of misinformation here.

1. This is not Day 1 DLC, this DLC was made after the game was released for PS4 and is now coming to Steam and GOG because the game itself was not available for PC before
2. These DLCs are not exclusive to the pre-order period. You CAN buy them after the pre-order period
realkman666: Why do I have to buy them on day one and they're free the day before?
It's a deal, deals are almost always time critical.

Edit: But yes, they could easily extend that by 1 day. I personally don't think GOG can fight the game industry on every practice. It's doing a great job against DRM but not so much against other things.
Post edited February 18, 2015 by opticq
realkman666: Why do I have to buy them on day one and they're free the day before?
opticq: It's a deal, deals are almost always time critical.
It's a deal to pay for something that is given away for free?