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Grim Fandango resurrected.

Grim Fandango Remastered marks the return of gaming's most recognisable, and notoriously unavailable, cult classic - now on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This upcoming release got everybody so excited, Tim Schafer even prepared a special trailer all about how you can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered (and why that’s a fine idea) right now, exclusively on for the first week!

Grim Fandango is by far the single most wishlisted game by the community with an overwhelming 45,000 votes. It's a unique blend of Mexican folklore with film noir stylings, and has been critically praised for its art direction, writing, and memorable characters.

Grim Fandango Remastered refreshes, refines, and remasters the award winning title and Tim Schafer's last hurrah as LucasArts' adventure-gaming-extraordinaire. The remaster modernizes the game's presentation and gameplay with completely repainted textures, widescreen support, and quite possibly best of all: modern controls. You can now say goodbye to unwieldy tank controls, a staple of the early 3D era, and enjoy a fully point-and-click interface - but only if you want! The option to play the game as originally envisioned is always there.

Have you missed Grim Fandango the first time around? Now's your chance to experience gaming history like never before, or if you have played it in its heyday - you're probably long overdue for another go anyway. You can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered right now on!
The pre-order will last until Tuesday, January 27, when the game is expected to launch on

It took a lot to bring this classic back to life. If you’d like to learn more about the remaster, Double Fine and 2 Player Productions have just released the newest episode of The Making of Grim Fandango Remastered - a recommended watch.

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Post edited January 13, 2015 by Konrad
liquidsnakehpks: If you cant make out the difference between a orignal and a remaster that's fine but don't force it on everyone else.
rmihaif: You seem to be accusing me of something here which I do not think it's true. I know what the differences are, I've listed them plenty above in my earlier replies. I just don't consider those differences to be in the same league as the Monkey Island remakes that you compared them to, and I think that most people would agree with me on that by doing a simple test with clips from playing the original/updated versions and compare them. Because the differences to the original game are so small I do not consider that GOG has abused anything by "merging the threads".

If Morrowind GOTY comes to GOG I'd similarly expect them to merge the "Morrowind" and the "Morrowind GOTY" option. But go ahead and create a "Morrowind Classic Original Version" entry then if you wish so.
haha you just bombed yourself mate with that example , morrowind goty WOULD include the original morrowind as matter of fact you can only play the original game in the goty and deselect what you don't want so that would justify merging the original request into however this is not same case here in grim fandango.
learn the difference between a goty edition and remaster
"The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions"

And if you cant digest that there is no more point in arguing here , feel free to pick out more posts asking the merger to be reversed and fight it out
no website ever has said the remaster is just the same as the original release

Dont ever say something is same just because your eyes cant pick out the difference , there are hardcore fans out there who can pick out the difference even if a single pixel changes from the original to the remaster
Post edited January 16, 2015 by liquidsnakehpks
low rated
liquidsnakehpks: haha you just bombed yourself mate with that example , morrowind goty WOULD include the original morrowind as matter of fact you can only play the original game in the goty and deselect what you don't want so that would justify merging the original request into however this is not same case here in grim fandango.
That's because you're assuming certain options for the installer. There's nothing saying that if GOG brings Morrowind GOTY they will offer you the same installation options, to decide if you install Tribunal/Bloodmoon or not. They may not and then I bet there will be people complaining that the threads were merged and they'd want some Morrowind original version, decoupled from its expansions.

learn the difference between a goty edition and remaster
"The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions"
That "plus all of the content from Bloodmoon and Tribunal" doesn't mean what you think it means. Once Tribunal is installed it is impossible to avoid its content as Dark Brotherhood assassins attack you anywhere you are, even in the original Morrowind world. And since if GOG would bring Morrowind GOTY we don't know if there will be an option in the installer to not install Tribunal/Bloodmonn (likely not) it means that the GOG Morrowind GOTY will be different from the original Morrowind. Yet I'd still support merging the 2 wishlist topics in that case as most people just don't care about this difference and they are perfectly fine with the full GOTY even if they voted for the "Morrowind" entry.

And if you cant digest that there is no more point in arguing here , feel free to pick out more posts asking the merger to be reversed and fight it out
no website ever has said the remaster is just the same as the original release

Dont ever say something is same just because your eyes cant pick out the difference , there are hardcore fans out there who can pick out the difference even if a single pixel changes from the original to the remaster
You put words in my mouth. I never said they are the same. I said the differences aren't (in my opinion) sufficient to support keeping the wishlist topics separate. And I described a hypothetical test to determine if the differences are sufficient to warrant this separation.

Let me put it another way, if they weren't merged then I would be the one upset because my vote that was expressed for the original wishlist entry (because at the time there was no separate "remastered" entry) can't be removed anymore to be moved only to the remastered entry. So see, anyway you pick (split or merge) there are people who will not like the choice. So what criteria do you use then to decide which option is best? I believe deciding on majority's opinion if the game is too different or not is one such valid option.
Niggles: As others have pointed out, the wishlist votes is for the ORIGINAL game.Not remastered version. This applies to other games on the list as well. No offence .
rmihaif: I think trying to make this distinction is silly. When someone wishes a game on GOG they wish to get that game and supported for modern platforms. When the "ORIGINAL" game (as you like to emphasize) doesn't even work well on modern hardware/software then it's IMPOSSIBLE to get that version, or if GOG were to actually provide it it would be fraud, an insult to their customers. So it's _very common_ that most things wishlisted on GOG (especially if they are very old and have technical problems running on modern systems) are modified somewhat before they are released by GOG. In this case, we're getting a professional update for it, not just some engine fixes and the update really doesn't change that much at all.

I mean, what, you don't like the additional shadows and want to drop those? You don't like the re-compressed movies and want pixalated movies? You don't like higher resolution textures and want the lower resolution one? The additional control options are just that, options.

The only issue that I could imagine where people may want the original is the re-recorded music. But really, just wait and see how it is, in all likelihood it's just a much better sounding (better sampling rate used) version of the same music. There is no reason to expect that the music is significantly different other than a quality update. So then, what really is the problem?
The big thing for me is *if* the remastered version is inferior - ie the aforementioned music as an example or alterations to game mechanics...good reasons why people prefer the originals (and yes some actually prefer old graphics over new shiny ones) - look at Wings. Some argue the old amiga version is better in someways (they *did* make some changes)
I tried once to get on the Grim Fandango avant-Aztec-garde, art-deco wagon maybe 10 years ago. Brick-and-mortar gaming stores with disc games were still the norm and Digital Distribution and emulation were nowhere near as advanced as today, so this involved hunting down an old used copy and using a bunch of fan-patches to get it to play nice with a modern (for then) XP computer's drivers. I never got far due to the atrocious control scheme which ruined any joy I should have had with the admittedly rich storyline, plot, characters, and music. The interface woes were just a barrier I could never transcend.

If this "Remaster" has fixed that clunky, soul-killing, backward keyboard interface and allows me to use a more traditional mouse-driven interface ala The Longest Journey (or just about any damn adventure game made in the past 20 years), then consider me a convert, and a buyer.
MaridAudran: If this "Remaster" has fixed that clunky, soul-killing, backward keyboard interface and allows me to use a more traditional mouse-driven interface ala The Longest Journey (or just about any damn adventure game made in the past 20 years), then consider me a convert, and a buyer.
Yes, this remaster upgrades the controls to a fully mouse-driven modern point-and-click interface.
You can also play using the old keyboard/tank controls but i imagine the vast majority will use the updated controls since the old controls were such a pita to use.
So... To those of us who pre-ordered the thing for fifteen bucks, will we get our measly dollar back somehow? :D
liquidsnakehpks: if you pre order if you will be standing up and supporting drm free stance , gog has gotten exclusive chance to offer the game for pre order before the game launches on any other platform.
I said it before: I sincerely hope Double Fine doesn't decide to screw over GOG customers by offering better deals on other platforms come release day. They wouldn't be the first company to pull a stunt like that.
Post edited January 16, 2015 by fronzelneekburm
liquidsnakehpks: if you pre order if you will be standing up and supporting drm free stance , gog has gotten exclusive chance to offer the game for pre order before the game launches on any other platform.
fronzelneekburm: I said it before: I sincerely hope Double Fine doesn't decide to screw over GOG customers by offering better deals on other platforms come release day. They wouldn't be the first company to pull a stunt like that (Hello, Cinemaware!)
That wasn't Cinemaware and that's all I have to say on that one.
fronzelneekburm: I said it before: I sincerely hope Double Fine doesn't decide to screw over GOG customers by offering better deals on other platforms come release day. They wouldn't be the first company to pull a stunt like that (Hello, Cinemaware!)
I wouldn't be surprised when even a Polish developer/publisher doesn't really care about GOG customers by releasing an exclusive edition on another storefront.
Grim Fandango Remastered already sold more copies then 50% of other games in GOG catalog.
I guess that's what happen when you put a most-vote games from community wishlist available on sale. :)
fronzelneekburm: I said it before: I sincerely hope Double Fine doesn't decide to screw over GOG customers by offering better deals on other platforms come release day. They wouldn't be the first company to pull a stunt like that (Hello, Kalypso!)
JudasIscariot: That wasn't Cinemaware and that's all I have to say on that one.
Oh, okay. I'll try and go direct my consumer rage in a (hopefully) more appropriate direction then! :)
Of course they didn't remake the backgrounds, that would have been years of work. And maybe it's good, they have so much charm the way they are!! I hated the remade backgrounds in the Monkey Island remakes for example; these adventures were all about their backgrounds and animations, you don't change them!!!! Original Monkey Island backgrounds are much more appealing to me. So, I think I'm glad they didn't touch them.

From the screenshots I couldn't see any difference but in the video you can see the new real time shadows that look AMAZING and really add something to the game.

I think they've done an excellent job - the only thing they could add would have been remade backgrounds that looked precisely the same but in HD. For that they would have needed the original 3D files of those renderings and I suppose it was a mess to do. Anyway I'm thrilled to play this - the atmosphere, the dialogue, the script and story of this game is absolutely amazing and highly original, the way more games should be like. Not that Broken Age wasn't good either! That too had appeal to sell.
I've seen so many people talk fondly about this game and its cult status. Never played it back then but I might just get it to see what all the fuss is about.
deloctyte: So... To those of us who pre-ordered the thing for fifteen bucks, will we get our measly dollar back somehow? :D
I contacted support yesterday and requested a partial refund, they replied today that they would do that - so I'd suggest you do the same :)
never played this game, but I know a lot of people have been wanting this one to come back. I'm happy their happy and I'll probably be getting the game to see what all the fuss is about. good job gog :)