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Grim Fandango resurrected.

Grim Fandango Remastered marks the return of gaming's most recognisable, and notoriously unavailable, cult classic - now on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This upcoming release got everybody so excited, Tim Schafer even prepared a special trailer all about how you can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered (and why that’s a fine idea) right now, exclusively on for the first week!

Grim Fandango is by far the single most wishlisted game by the community with an overwhelming 45,000 votes. It's a unique blend of Mexican folklore with film noir stylings, and has been critically praised for its art direction, writing, and memorable characters.

Grim Fandango Remastered refreshes, refines, and remasters the award winning title and Tim Schafer's last hurrah as LucasArts' adventure-gaming-extraordinaire. The remaster modernizes the game's presentation and gameplay with completely repainted textures, widescreen support, and quite possibly best of all: modern controls. You can now say goodbye to unwieldy tank controls, a staple of the early 3D era, and enjoy a fully point-and-click interface - but only if you want! The option to play the game as originally envisioned is always there.

Have you missed Grim Fandango the first time around? Now's your chance to experience gaming history like never before, or if you have played it in its heyday - you're probably long overdue for another go anyway. You can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered right now on!
The pre-order will last until Tuesday, January 27, when the game is expected to launch on

It took a lot to bring this classic back to life. If you’d like to learn more about the remaster, Double Fine and 2 Player Productions have just released the newest episode of The Making of Grim Fandango Remastered - a recommended watch.

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Post edited January 13, 2015 by Konrad
Licurg: So it's still a possibility...
So you're...
A little disappointing to see that the original game isn't available too...
Ah well.
Still glad we got the remastered version.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by Kerchatin
gamefood: Minimum system requirements - Windows: Windows Vista or Later
Processor: Dual Core CPU or faster
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4650 (512MB) or NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT, or Intel HD 4000 Graphics
Hard Drive: 4.5 GB available space
Additional Notes: GPU that supports OpenGL 3.3 or higher

HAHAHA good one... I can see gogs nasty grimace laughing at me, directly in my face...
Well, I guess then I'll never play it. The other side is, no gog and no Double Fine will get my money.

I would welcome the possibility to unvote maded votes. I voted for GF not for GF remastered, it may be the same game concerning the story and so on but it has an other technical base. So it's NOT the same game!
The impulse to vote for something isn't the same anymore, right in that moment when it's been edited or even "manipulated".
Holy hell those requirements haha i dont think any intel hardware below hd 4000 supports open gl 3.3, having played the recent doublefine games they strictly enforce opengl 3.3 support on game launch so rule out any "my system is just below the requirement it might run the game" If your card does not support open gl 3.3 forget about running the game

compared to original game system requirements
Operating system (OS) 95, 98
Processor (CPU) Pentium 133 MHz
System memory (RAM) 32 MB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 30 MB 1.2 GB (for running without discs)
Video card (GPU) PCI or AGP graphics card 2 MB of VRAM
DirectX 6 compatible

I hope gog highlights the newer heavy requirements red bold text to warn people

here is a example of what happened in broken age

lots of old school adventure fans who backed the project were stuck thanks to openl gl 3 requirement
Post edited January 15, 2015 by liquidsnakehpks
gamefood: Minimum system requirements - Windows: Windows Vista or Later
Processor: Dual Core CPU or faster
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4650 (512MB) or NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT, or Intel HD 4000 Graphics
Hard Drive: 4.5 GB available space
Additional Notes: GPU that supports OpenGL 3.3 or higher

HAHAHA good one... I can see gogs nasty grimace laughing at me, directly in my face...
Well, I guess then I'll never play it. The other side is, no gog and no Double Fine will get my money.

I would welcome the possibility to unvote maded votes. I voted for GF not for GF remastered, it may be the same game concerning the story and so on but it has an other technical base. So it's NOT the same game!
The impulse to vote for something isn't the same anymore, right in that moment when it's been edited or even "manipulated".
liquidsnakehpks: Holy hell those requirements haha i dont think any intel hardware below hd 4000 supports open gl 3.3, having played the recent doublefine games they strictly enforce opengl 3.3 support on game launch so rule out any "my system is just below the requirement it might run the game" If your card does not support open gl 3.3 forget about running the game
I'm abit out of touch so whats the deal with this?
darthspudius: Everyone stopped crying? Because this is going to be too good to complain about! It's going to be so good to see this game again! :D
Wow, you were away thinking of a come back for 5 hours and that's all you came up with?

darthspudius: I would definitely like to know if we can get the new soundtrack as a file. The music is going to sound great performed by actual humans.
Which game did you play? The original soundtrack is full of humans. The folk/mariachi stuff and big band stuff sounds mostly if not all completely human. The orchestral stuff probably has sampled/synthesised sounds for some of the instruments but it still sounds great.

Stop embarrassing yourself, you're either completely unfamiliar with the original game or incapable of analysing sounds. If you genuinely have hearing problems then I'm sorry, but if that's the case then you've brought this judgement upon yourself by being a dick.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by SirPrimalform
low rated
darthspudius: Everyone stopped crying? Because this is going to be too good to complain about! It's going to be so good to see this game again! :D
SirPrimalform: Wow, you were away thinking of a come back for 5 hours and that's all you came up with?

darthspudius: I would definitely like to know if we can get the new soundtrack as a file. The music is going to sound great performed by actual humans.
SirPrimalform: Which game did you play? The original soundtrack had plenty of humans in it.

Stop embarrassing yourself, you're either completely unfamiliar with the original game or incapable of analysing sounds. If you genuinely have hearing problems then I'm sorry, but if that's the case then you've brought this judgement upon yourself by being a dick.
You actually thought I was thinking about you... really? I'm sorry pal but try not to take life too seriously.

I think the originally sounded flat and not very good. I still do and I always will. Big deal!

Really would love a very quality audio recording. Something the original did not have for obvious reasons.

Edit: I know I am a dick, but at least I do not deny. Though being a dick to a dick is not very mature. Saying that, I never will be! :D

Edit Edit: Want to talk about my taste in music. Fire away lad! I have a nice website. :)
Post edited January 15, 2015 by darthspudius
It's not stupid to want to preserve an old game in the original state. It's something I understand all too well, coming here from HotU. People there used to spend a lot of time on stuff like digging up the original manuals for games that had long been forgotten by everyone else.

But a remastered version is only good news. The original game is still accessible and can be made to work on modern hardware with some tinkering. The remaster is just a new version to be tinkered with.
darthspudius: You actually thought I was thinking about you... really? I'm sorry pal but try not to take life too seriously.

I think the originally sounded flat and not very good. I still do and I always will. Big deal!

Really would love a very quality audio recording. Something the original did not have for obvious reasons.
Well you never got back to me about where it says the original is included so naturally I assumed you were sitting somewhere with a cold sweat because you realised what an idiot you were being. Or something. Judging by how quickly you came to reply now I guess you are sitting waiting for someone to reply to you in this thread so it's not so much of a stretch to assume you're thinking about me.

You're welcome to your opinion about the music, but you're completely wrong about the lack of humans and it just shows how little you know what you're talking about and thus devalues your opinion. The soundtrack of the game is highly regarded by a great many so it takes someone pretty special (you) to think that because they don't care for it no one else should.

The recording quality of the original was great, it may however have been included in the game at less than CD-quality. That doesn't make the original recordings worthless. Indeed, they could be included in the remaster at a higher quality and it would sound great. Re-recording is welcome but the originals were certainly high quality recordings. Late 90s LucasArts games in general had rather lush soundtracks (Curse of Monkey Island had plenty of reggae with real guitars, bass, drums, horns etc.).

I'm going to bed, and assuming your location is correct I suggest you do so too.
low rated
darthspudius: You actually thought I was thinking about you... really? I'm sorry pal but try not to take life too seriously.

I think the originally sounded flat and not very good. I still do and I always will. Big deal!

Really would love a very quality audio recording. Something the original did not have for obvious reasons.
SirPrimalform: Well you never got back to me about where it says the original is included so naturally I assumed you were sitting somewhere with a cold sweat because you realised what an idiot you were being. Or something. Judging by how quickly you came to reply now I guess you are sitting waiting for someone to reply to you in this thread so it's not so much of a stretch to assume you're thinking about me.

You're welcome to your opinion about the music, but you're completely wrong about the lack of humans and it just shows how little you know what you're talking about and thus devalues your opinion. The soundtrack of the game is highly regarded by a great many so it takes someone pretty special (you) to think that because they don't care for it no one else should.

The recording quality of the original was great, it may however have been included in the game at less than CD-quality. That doesn't make the original recordings worthless. Indeed, they could be included in the remaster at a higher quality and it would sound great. Re-recording is welcome but the originals were certainly high quality recordings. Late 90s LucasArts games in general had rather lush soundtracks (Curse of Monkey Island had plenty of reggae with real guitars, bass, drums, horns etc.).

I'm going to bed, and assuming your location is correct I suggest you do so too.
What are you on? I didn't reply because I didn't care, to be blunt.

Son, I am an audiophile. I like the best quality audio. It's an annoying little obsession musicians and music lovers tend to have. It is my opinion and five very short songs does not do much to sway my opinion. I grew up with the game and enjoyed it greatly. My opinion is my own and I have no shame in stating it whenever I want to.

Edit: Game CD quality is not the same as a standard CD album. A remaster would do any justice to the audio what so ever. Especially if the development videos were correct when they said they did not have access to the original files. I could be wrong about that part but the fact that it was good quality back then does not mean it is good quality now. It is not like we're listening to it on a time less vinyl record or something.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by darthspudius
PraetorianWolfie: This is correct, but it still is not 100% crash proof or bug proof (compatibility support is tagged as "good" not "excellent"). ResidualVM is still under development and they haven't reached an 1.0 build yet. To be fair they have released stable versions (most recent is the 0.2.0, a few days ago on Dec 31) where they added support for Myst III.

But if the developers are not comfortable/confident enough to get to a 1.x release, then it is doubtful that GOG or another party will choose to use this method (like they did with scummvm or dosbox) to package and distribute a playable original version of GF (on top of it being largely redundant based on what the remastered offers)
zaine-h: Version numbers don't mean much in the open source world, especially when DOSBox hasn't reached 1.0 yet either. Many of the ScummVM games seem to be marked as "good" and not "excellent" as well. And nowhere did I mention that GOG should package Grim Fandango with ResidualVM and sell it. I simply advocated that it would be a decent way to experience a little nostalgia while waiting for the much improved remaster.
Version numbers (typically) follow a standard format and do however mean the same thing to any developer. They may not be particularly imporant to some people in the open source community (?), but they sure are to any party who want to integrate that work in something that the latter party will distribute and will be help responsible to support.

Don't get upset though. I didn't say you said GOG would repackage it. I assumed it because it is probably one of the best (if not the best) way to run the original without facing too much hassle to even get it to run (and they have fixed certain bugs too). But still, they would state "excellent" support if they had reached it (and it does have bugs in the current state). They don't and so it wouldnt' be an option for GOG, not without extensive testing or working on it further (...).

The alternative would be for GOG to work with the original developer team (or publisher?) to get it the original game to work on modern systems. Which as they have stated is highly unlikely, considering that the remaster is coming out and is faithful enough, and that they don't have access to the original.

Re: The wishlist thing again. The rename thing happened, and I don't thing it's getting reverted. Some people there voted for the original but don't mind getting the original ever if they get this remastered version (and are actually quite happy with it). There already is another entry specifically for the original game and in time it will either gather lots of votes like the previous entry, or it will not because few people will actually care. We will just have to wait and see (I would probably (re)consider whether to vote there only after having a look at the final remastered version reviews and gameplay videos).
Post edited January 15, 2015 by PraetorianWolfie
PraetorianWolfie: Re: The wishlist thing again. The rename thing happened, and I don't thing it's getting reverted. Some people there voted for the original but don't mind getting the original ever if they get this remastered version (and are actually quite happy with it). There already is another entry specifically for the original game and in time it will either gather lots of votes like the previous entry, or it will not because few people will actually care. We will just have to wait and see (I would probably (re)consider whether to vote there only after having a look at the final remastered version reviews and gameplay videos).
I'm snipping this short to save some space. I hope you don't mind. As for my reply:

I'm not all that bothered at all by the remaster. I've never had the chance to play the original and the same team is mostly working on this. So long as the data file bugs are fixed and the game works in Windows 7, I'm happy. If I had the funds, I'd have already gotten it. I honestly hope that Disney can do the same for Escape from Monkey Island which used the same engine.

As for being upset(?), lets just attribute it to a potentially mutual misunderstanding.
high rated
darthspudius: [...] buying the original, there is the disc version for that. Bring it on. A remastered edition is exactly what it needs after all it did not age very well in the first place.
Not true.

I've got the game, and I play it. It's as enjoyable as ever.
Post edited January 15, 2015 by TheOperaGhost
darthspudius: [...] buying the original, there is the disc version for that. Bring it on. A remastered edition is exactly what it needs after all it did not age very well in the first place.
TheOperaGhost: Not true.

I've got the game, and I play it. It's as enjoyable as ever.
I played it last year myself, I enjoy it every time of course. But there are little things that need improved (Like controls) that seem to be mended. This game has the luck of having such a timeless look that it is only little things that I don't like. I love original resident evil, doesn't stop it aging badly if you know what I mean. :)
TheOperaGhost: Not true.

I've got the game, and I play it. It's as enjoyable as ever.
That's right. Due to the game's unique art direction it still looks pretty nice with low-poly models and pre-rendered backgrounds.
New version is still worth it for me for the commentary, but the old version aged very nicely.
TheOperaGhost: Not true.

I've got the game, and I play it. It's as enjoyable as ever.
Novotnus: That's right. Due to the game's unique art direction it still looks pretty nice with low-poly models and pre-rendered backgrounds.
New version is still worth it for me for the commentary, but the old version aged very nicely.
The art style is easily one of the best. I can't wait to see it with a bit of treatment. It's going to look great.