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Grim Fandango resurrected.

Grim Fandango Remastered marks the return of gaming's most recognisable, and notoriously unavailable, cult classic - now on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This upcoming release got everybody so excited, Tim Schafer even prepared a special trailer all about how you can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered (and why that’s a fine idea) right now, exclusively on for the first week!

Grim Fandango is by far the single most wishlisted game by the community with an overwhelming 45,000 votes. It's a unique blend of Mexican folklore with film noir stylings, and has been critically praised for its art direction, writing, and memorable characters.

Grim Fandango Remastered refreshes, refines, and remasters the award winning title and Tim Schafer's last hurrah as LucasArts' adventure-gaming-extraordinaire. The remaster modernizes the game's presentation and gameplay with completely repainted textures, widescreen support, and quite possibly best of all: modern controls. You can now say goodbye to unwieldy tank controls, a staple of the early 3D era, and enjoy a fully point-and-click interface - but only if you want! The option to play the game as originally envisioned is always there.

Have you missed Grim Fandango the first time around? Now's your chance to experience gaming history like never before, or if you have played it in its heyday - you're probably long overdue for another go anyway. You can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered right now on!
The pre-order will last until Tuesday, January 27, when the game is expected to launch on

It took a lot to bring this classic back to life. If you’d like to learn more about the remaster, Double Fine and 2 Player Productions have just released the newest episode of The Making of Grim Fandango Remastered - a recommended watch.

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Post edited January 13, 2015 by Konrad
And the wishlist just keeps growing... by the time I've actually played all the games in my backlog and start buying new ones my wishlist will be longer than the script for Jodorowsky's Dune.
Post edited January 13, 2015 by Breja
Licurg: Where's Rogue Squadron ?
On my (physical) shelf, I told you already :) Right next to Jedi Knight and Shadows of the Empire.
Cool. Hope the hype is real, will surely get it at some point (or should I wait for the original version? :D).

But mixing votes from the original with the remastered version is cheating, GOG...
Yeah but, will it contain the "classic" version of the game as well?
good to see tim back to gog land after taking a beating on steam forums for the spacebase mess and early access things.

Hopefully this will lead to all of doublefine games release here as well

no pre order bonus ? what is the pre order for then ?
Post edited January 13, 2015 by liquidsnakehpks
avatar You can now say goodbye to unwieldy tank controls, a staple of the early 3D era, and enjoy a fully point-and-click interface ...
YAY!!! That's what I have been waiting for. Because as good as the game is, the controls sucked! And while I am usually not a fan of remakes, in this case I really say thank you - and it's well worth it's price.
stg83: They even kept the same aspect ratio as the original to preserve Peter Chan's intent with art style for 4:3 format.
Yeah, that bodes very well indeed for the remaster.
Oh my, Teddy Fourofourski is hungry today.

Hopefully, GOG is trying to undo the fused wishlist entries.

Reever: But mixing votes from the original with the remastered version is cheating, GOG...
It sure is.
Post edited January 13, 2015 by Lemon_Curry
Sad that this doesn't have an awesome perfect brazillian portuguese localization, which the original had back in the day, like only very few other games.

Edit: sure, it's obviously a major mind-blowing release, good for GOG and Tim.
Post edited January 13, 2015 by RafaelLVX

Now I can't brag and gloat at everybody else here for not having their own copy

Well I still kind of can, mine's physical :p
I'm grateful it's even here :)

RafaelLVX: Sad that this doesn't have an awesome perfect brazillian portuguese localization, which the original had back in the day, like only very few other games.
The language section is not yet final.
high rated
As awesome as this is, I can't help but notice that there seems to be no advantage to ore-ordering; no discount, no exclusive goodies, nothing!
mkell_226: ... no advantage to ore-ordering; no discount, no exclusive goodies, nothing!
I would LOVE to see the soundtrack (OST) as digital download!
THAT would be reason enough for me to pre-order or to order at all!!
darthspudius: Fuck buying the original, there is the disc version for that. Bring it on. A remastered edition is exactly what it needs after all it did not age very well in the first place.
If you can find / have found the original disc version at an acceptable price then good for you, but there are many of us who have not been as fortunate and would still like to experience this classic the way it was originally envisioned by the developers.

Having said that, the remake will be a more than adequate substitute for now. :-)
high rated
Great release, GOG! It seems you really want to take all my money.

But I have to say that I'm not really happy with the way you manipulated the wishlist.