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Get ready for a single-player cyberpunk isometric RPG where you take the role of a game detective, who solves crimes inside virtual worlds. Gamedec is now available for pre-order on GOG.COM with a 10% discount that will last until the game’s premiere on 16th September 2021.

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"They think they can control me, calculate my choices. They can`t. The choice... is mine ^"

Sweet. On the wishlist with intention to enter the world.
Looking forward to this one :)
Wishlisted long ago. I currently suffer from a little RPG burnout, but will try the game sometime in the future. It basically represents everything that I like in the genre. I hope that it'll meet the expectations.
Post edited August 26, 2021 by Sarafan
Was a backer, I have the game on my GOG account already but the store page says I don't own it, is that normal?
I assume backers will also receive the pre-order bonuses as well?
SCAgent: Was a backer, I have the game on my GOG account already but the store page says I don't own it, is that normal?
I assume backers will also receive the pre-order bonuses as well?
That's how it works on GOG. Pre-orders are different item, and you just need to be careful to not to buy one game twice.
AWG43: That's how it works on GOG. Pre-orders are different item, and you just need to be careful to not to buy one game twice.
Actually when I pre-ordered CP2077 everything was fine. The game was marked as owned for the whole time before it was released.
SCAgent: Was a backer, I have the game on my GOG account already but the store page says I don't own it, is that normal?
I assume backers will also receive the pre-order bonuses as well?
AWG43: That's how it works on GOG. Pre-orders are different item, and you just need to be careful to not to buy one game twice.
I pre-ordered Aragami 2 and pathfinder 2 and both are marked as owned.
AWG43: That's how it works on GOG. Pre-orders are different item, and you just need to be careful to not to buy one game twice.
Sarafan: Actually when I pre-ordered CP2077 everything was fine. The game was marked as owned for the whole time before it was released.
Strange. I have pre-ordered Pathfinder from the GOG store and had the same problem as SCAgent described - the game (Pathfinder) was not marked as owned for me.

Edit (after SCAgent's reply): So it seems like complete mess with pre-order items at the GOG store. Can it be fixed somehow?
Post edited August 26, 2021 by AWG43
Sarafan: Actually when I pre-ordered CP2077 everything was fine. The game was marked as owned for the whole time before it was released.
AWG43: Strange. I have pre-ordered Pathfinder from the GOG store and had the same problem as SCAgent described - the game (Pathfinder) was not marked as owned for me.

Edit (after SCAgent's reply): So it seems like complete mess with pre-order items at the GOG store. Can it be fixed somehow?
It has been asked many, many times, but apparently GOG's system is a complete mess and nothing can be done about it.
SCAgent: Was a backer, I have the game on my GOG account already but the store page says I don't own it, is that normal?
I assume backers will also receive the pre-order bonuses as well?
I am in the same situation, and asked on the official discord. This was the reply from the community manager:

"backers will get the Torkil Aymore DLC for free, both Steam and GOG supporters. We also gave people a chance to buy the digital artbook and OST as an add-on via backerkit, but unfortunately backing on Kickstarter is not the same as preorders in terms of SKU."

So it seems if you are a backer, but did not back at the level with the artbook/OST and did not get them as extra add-ons at backerkit, you will not receive those as pre-order bonuses.
SCAgent: Was a backer, I have the game on my GOG account already but the store page says I don't own it, is that normal?
I assume backers will also receive the pre-order bonuses as well?
emme: I am in the same situation, and asked on the official discord. This was the reply from the community manager:

"backers will get the Torkil Aymore DLC for free, both Steam and GOG supporters. We also gave people a chance to buy the digital artbook and OST as an add-on via backerkit, but unfortunately backing on Kickstarter is not the same as preorders in terms of SKU."

So it seems if you are a backer, but did not back at the level with the artbook/OST and did not get them as extra add-ons at backerkit, you will not receive those as pre-order bonuses.
Thanks for the update! I did indeed back the simple version (no OST/book) so that's why it doesn't show up as owned, hopefully there will be a DLC for those extras and when we buy it then it will hopefully be marked as such.
AWG43: Strange. I have pre-ordered Pathfinder from the GOG store and had the same problem as SCAgent described - the game (Pathfinder) was not marked as owned for me.

Edit (after SCAgent's reply): So it seems like complete mess with pre-order items at the GOG store. Can it be fixed somehow?
Alexim: It has been asked many, many times, but apparently GOG's system is a complete mess and nothing can be done about it.
This happened to me many times with Kickstarter preorders: once I received key for KS backed GOG game, it usually doesn´t show as owned, because it is a separate entry compared to other versions customers can pre-order on the page (they might be even added later to the store than the KS backed version).

Then, if devs of a given game will add, let´s say Season Pass later on, and KS backer will receive key for it, those are marked as owned - KS backers and customers can both buy the same thing.

It´s been a bit of a nuisance, and I must take care not to buy some thing twice (many times I have to check, what I actually own and whether something new hasn´t been added).

Some system, like added flag "Marked as owned" for customers who wish to flag something as owned, would go a long way in solving this.
Backer here too
avatar cyberpunk isometric RPG
And yet all the screenshots demonstrate it isn't isometric at all. It is third-person perspective. Isometric has parallel lines; this game doesn't.