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Title: ELEX II
Genre: Open-world action RPG
Planned release date: 1st March 2022
Discount: 10 % off until 1st March 1 2022, 6 PM UTC.
Sarafan: I have a lot of trouble to convince myself to Piranha's games and I tried several times. All of the games made by German developers have the same similar style, which doesn't fit me. Of course it's not a problem with graphics, but rather mechanics. Elex II will be probably similar, so every fan of Gothic should be pleased. I always preferred to play Baldur's Gate 2 rather than Gothic however and I don't fully understand the phenomena of this game. :)
Maybe the following helps to understand:

A Loveletter to Gothic's Open World Design
Gothic 1+2: Masterpieces of Immersive Design

Why Gothic Is More Believable Than Modern RPGs
Swedrami: I thought the first one's combat was just fine, once you got used to it.
Took some investing of time and patience, but if you're lacking in either or both of those departments then ELEX or any Piranha Bytes game for that matter might not be for you anyway.

They got rid of the Stamina meter/requirement for the second one, if I'm not mistaken, so that's already a concession made.
TZODnmr2k5: The thing that irritated me is the friendly fire, I tried to help a friendly NPC fight a monster and was locked onto an enemy, then after it was dead (I was in mid-swing when it died) it then locked onto the NPC and I ended up accidentally hitting them, when they aggro'd I quit and haven't picked it up in a while after that...
Auto-lock target, the way it works in Elex, was very annoying. Luckily, there are options to disable aiming help and close combat focus. Not only does this make fights a whole lot easier, because it prevents the game from locking you into close proximity to your enemy, where the best you can do is circle around it, but it also prevents you from accidentely hitting NPC.

Here is how:
Options>Difficulty>Aiming Help Off
Close Combat Focus Manual
Sarafan: I have a lot of trouble to convince myself to Piranha's games and I tried several times. All of the games made by German developers have the same similar style, which doesn't fit me. Of course it's not a problem with graphics, but rather mechanics. Elex II will be probably similar, so every fan of Gothic should be pleased. I always preferred to play Baldur's Gate 2 rather than Gothic however and I don't fully understand the phenomena of this game. :)
In short, the atmosphere, and how the world feels "real", lived in, and like you are living in it along with the NPCs. Maybe it can be said that they're games more meant to be experienced than just played, enjoyed at times despite the actual gameplay, and those story confines typical of PB (deciding class according to faction and therefore a story path).
I am mainly referring to Gothic 1 and 2 here.
Cavalary: but they were lumped together, so kid had to go with you. Should have been different choices, leave the kid with one and stay with the other yourself.
More choices are often better, but it was necessary for the main story twist.

Besides, love affair related quests in the first Witcher are quite fun due to such little insults. I tend to invite Carmen to the party for this reason. ;D
Sarafan: I always preferred to play Baldur's Gate 2 rather than Gothic
Classic RPG and Action/RPG are different genres. Personally, I enjoy both of them.
Sarafan: I don't fully understand the phenomena of this game. :)
The first Gothic? Well, for me it is cozy atmosphere, interesting exploration of completely hand-made world, realistic characters and factions, neither epic nor dramatic story and quests.

And of course, skilled and talented mod-development community, which has produced a lot of awesome modifications.)
Cavalary: deciding class according to faction and therefore a story path
Actually, I've always liked this design pattern.)
Mori_Yuki: Auto-lock target, the way it works in Elex, was very annoying. Luckily, there are options to disable aiming help and close combat focus. Not only does this make fights a whole lot easier, because it prevents the game from locking you into close proximity to your enemy, where the best you can do is circle around it, but it also prevents you from accidentely hitting NPC.

Here is how:
Options>Difficulty>Aiming Help Off
Close Combat Focus Manual
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a go!
So for someone who didn't really like the Risen games much, would anyone recommend ELEX 1?
will elex2 be better than the first?
what are the differences?
Crosmando: So for someone who didn't really like the Risen games much, would anyone recommend ELEX 1?
i do , but i havent played it yet :)
Post edited January 13, 2022 by Orkhepaj
Crosmando: So for someone who didn't really like the Risen games much, would anyone recommend ELEX 1?
Besides the first one which I only played the first couple hours of I'm not familiar with the Risen series so I can only recommend ELEX with regards to the Gothic series (whose fundamental design principles have been present in every Piranha Bytes game from then on anyway).

ELEX is Gothic with a jetpack in a science-fantasy setting. Same punishingly hard, slightly less clunky combat with the same steep learning curve, same compelling from-zero-to-demigod character progression and the same trademark open world design using natural progression borders.

Departments where ELEX is lacking are the story, the too inconsequential faction system and to some extent the immersion (non-optional Telltale-style popups as in "So-and-so is going to remember that.", "So-and-so likes that." or "This-and-that is going to have repercussions.").
Post edited January 13, 2022 by Swedrami
Plumb: I would have liked it if they just added the ability to toggle off the lock-on and LEAVE it off until I turn it back on.
Toggle it off, break the combat "zone", re-enter the zone and the lock-on is toggled back on.
Swedrami: Been a while but I'm sure I was able to disable auto locking on target permanently?
Via the difficulty options, "Combat Focus" or something. Could be set to either completely off or manual, if I'm not mistaken.
OH! My bad for not looking in the options, lol!
Maybe I'll be reinstalling the game sooner than I thought.

Swedrami: Departments where ELEX is lacking are the story, the too inconsequential faction system and to some extent the immersion (non-optional Telltale-style popups as in "So-and-so is going to remember that.", "So-and-so likes that." or "This-and-that is going to have repercussions.").
Yes, that had me second guessing every choice I made. Really didn't think it was needed so much.
Post edited January 13, 2022 by Plumb
low rated
rjbuffchix: I know it is a roleplaying game but I don't like having to play as a parent character.
Cavalary: Yeah, that'd be a major issue for me too. That part of the first Witcher was infuriating enough. Or for example chose to do without the bonuses available just to not have kids in King's Bounty: The Legend, even if they'd basically just be... enhancement gems for the "item" that's your wife in that game.
Ah well...
:) Glad I'm not the only one who would like the option. Your sentence about King's Bounty is particularly depressing as I have see those things occur in real life! For instance, people having kids to reap benefits (well, imo, *perceived benefits) from governments/businesses/employers/social and religious circles, etc.; basically making them as a means to an end and oftentimes objectifying the mother as well. But I digress.
Cavalary: Yeah, that'd be a major issue for me too. That part of the first Witcher was infuriating enough.
AlexTerranova: In the Witcher you take a role of a temporary guardian, not a parent. And you are not obliged to be very responsible in this role. You can even use a child as a bet in a dice-poker game. :D

What is really infuriating in the first Witcher, is the fact of being thrown from the heart of the main story ( right at its climax ) to a forced "vacation" in the middle of nowhere.

It's an interesting coincidence, that the most of parent-like interaction with the child happens during this boring break in chapter 4.
Seems like fair points.
Cavalary: My problem was the very thing that you got two choices between Triss and Shani, who to be with yourself and who should care for the kid, but they were lumped together, so kid had to go with you. Should have been different choices, leave the kid with one and stay with the other yourself.
But also fair points and this would be an ideal compromise to allow for more nuanced choice. I am not very "mod-savvy" but it would be amazing if something like this could be changed in a mod. I know tangentially of Fallout 4's plot being able to be changed by a mod so perhaps it is possible in some way.
Ixamyakxim: You spend more time with the "problems" of the factions, which are sorot of specific to them than you do babysitting.
Hmmm. It would be more about the character and roleplaying itself for me, if that makes sense. Like if the main character being a parent is still an unavoidable part of the story, there is only so much I can "stretch imagination" to ignore it if to complete the game requires engagement with the story. The way you put it does sound less "in your face" than, say, Amnesia: Rebirth though.
Post edited January 13, 2022 by rjbuffchix
Crosmando: So for someone who didn't really like the Risen games much, would anyone recommend ELEX 1?
It depends. ELEX 1 is very similar to Risen 1, but not to 2 and 3.
I'd say it's the best from Piranha Bytes since Gothic 2, but the formula is always the same - plus jetpack. You know what to expect.
Cavalary: My problem was the very thing that you got two choices between Triss and Shani, who to be with yourself and who should care for the kid, but they were lumped together, so kid had to go with you. Should have been different choices, leave the kid with one and stay with the other yourself.
rjbuffchix: this would be an ideal compromise to allow for more nuanced choice. I am not very "mod-savvy" but it would be amazing if something like this could be changed in a mod ... so perhaps it is possible in some way
Yes, the Witcher has official mod support, and it is possible to alter plot using editor.

Unfortunately, modding that game has never become very popular. :P

Therefore, only few story-driven modifications have been created. And I don't think, it will change anytime soon.
Did they just adjust the price recently?. Looks like its $69.95AUD instead of 99.95 i swear i saw initially when post was up
Niggles: Did they just adjust the price recently?. Looks like its $69.95AUD instead of 99.95 i swear i saw initially when post was up
yes they did
low rated
rjbuffchix: this would be an ideal compromise to allow for more nuanced choice. I am not very "mod-savvy" but it would be amazing if something like this could be changed in a mod ... so perhaps it is possible in some way
AlexTerranova: Yes, the Witcher has official mod support, and it is possible to alter plot using editor.

Unfortunately, modding that game has never become very popular. :P

Therefore, only few story-driven modifications have been created. And I don't think, it will change anytime soon.
I couldn't find a specific one about this part of the game (looking on nexusmods and moddb). But I guess worth looking into editor myself when I am able.