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Title: ELEX II
Genre: Open-world action RPG
Planned release date: 1st March 2022
Discount: 10 % off until 1st March 1 2022, 6 PM UTC.
i enjoyed the first until I got to the cleric base and found 1/2 the quests unfinished but the mark up is pretty standard now i.e, Australians pay more for things because we are used to being charged extra for shipping

in any event i'm glad they got a grant to make this but not this time thanks
DD & Ji Ji: Off topic : Are all THQ Nordic games have the latest updates , patches , DLCs on Gog ?
ThomNG: If I could guess, I would say No. That is very unlikely as it has been a long history with the huge amount of products, we appreciate to have live here on GOG. Some titles were taken over from other publishers, some versions or languages were not available back in the days as DRM free versions or for legal reasons etc but we decided to bring at least one version live etc. or it was simply how versions were created back in the days and any tech reasons or GOG limitations we had years ago etc. However we are trying our best - especially on new products - to be and stay up to date. GOG also sometimes is asking for missing patches/updates which we then try to include (or in case it was ie a Steam only update for some Steam related stuff, we will let them know etc.). It is definitely a living process however we cannot guarantee that ie there is always Steam parity on all of our games due to the reasons mentioned above. On the other hand, we also have titles live here on GOG which you cannot find anywhere else (just thinking about The Nations and Alien Nations or Pax Imperia) which simply shows how genious the GOG tech team was back in the days to create versions which are working for GOG releases while it was not possible to integrate them into Steamworks etc. :D
Thanks for explaining this. Understanding the situation is often all it takes to clam people down about such things, but we are so often kept in the dark about what's going on. I don't know why this industry feels the need to be so secretive, treating it's customers like enemies. It's not like they are deep state operatives or something, sheesh.

All I can say about Elex II is they better have fine tuned the combat. It was so awkward in the first game I actually uninstalled it, over getting frustrated with the lock-on functionality and the jerky movement. I'll probably go back because I do want to see the story through but, man, that combat was stressing me out I felt it wasn't worth my mental health, lol...
more polishing!
Post edited January 12, 2022 by Plumb
Ixamyakxim: remember this - you SUCK at first and combat is to be AVOIDED!
It is not necessary to avoid combat at the start of Piranha Bytes games, just choose weaker opponents and don't try to attack large packs of enemies.)
rjbuffchix: I know it is a roleplaying game but I don't like having to play as a parent character.
Cavalary: Yeah, that'd be a major issue for me too. That part of the first Witcher was infuriating enough.
In the Witcher you take a role of a temporary guardian, not a parent. And you are not obliged to be very responsible in this role. You can even use a child as a bet in a dice-poker game. :D

What is really infuriating in the first Witcher, is the fact of being thrown from the heart of the main story ( right at its climax ) to a forced "vacation" in the middle of nowhere.

It's an interesting coincidence, that the most of parent-like interaction with the child happens during this boring break in chapter 4.
Post edited January 12, 2022 by AlexTerranova
I thought the first one's combat was just fine, once you got used to it.
Took some investing of time and patience, but if you're lacking in either or both of those departments then ELEX or any Piranha Bytes game for that matter might not be for you anyway.

They got rid of the Stamina meter/requirement for the second one, if I'm not mistaken, so that's already a concession made.
low rated
Orkhepaj: i have to play the first first :P
Ixamyakxim: It's worth checking out - I really enjoyed it.

It's like bringing Gothic 2 into the "modern" gaming era, but keeping what made Gothic interesting intact and wrapping it in a neat Sci-Fi setting. In a world that almost feels like it was designed by Obsidian (little more open, but with nearly the same amount of character).

If you do jump into it (and I would if you like this style of game!) - remember this - you SUCK at first and combat is to be AVOIDED! You'll notice right off that bat that you get a ton of EXP for quests, hardly anything for kills - learn from this!

You're not going to level through the early game in combat! You do it solving quests!

Anyway - thanks for another one Thom! Looking forward to it (damn can you free fly with the jetpack this go around???).

PS - I LOVED the hugely meaningful and difficult gear upgrades in the first game - hope this continues to be the case!
good to hear , it is on my list already got it on epic ,just have to play it :)
Swedrami: I thought the first one's combat was just fine, once you got used to it.
Took some investing of time and patience, but if you're lacking in either or both of those departments then ELEX or any Piranha Bytes game for that matter might not be for you anyway.

They got rid of the Stamina meter/requirement for the second one, if I'm not mistaken, so that's already a concession made.
I would have liked it if they just added the ability to toggle off the lock-on and LEAVE it off until I turn it back on.
Toggle it off, break the combat "zone", re-enter the zone and the lock-on is toggled back on.

I actually had a great time with Risen and Gothic, but I was younger then and probably more tolerant.
Now I can feel the hours ticking away I'd rather not spend it fighting with a video game that is supposed to be providing me with entertainment.
Post edited January 12, 2022 by Plumb
Swedrami: I thought the first one's combat was just fine, once you got used to it.
Took some investing of time and patience, but if you're lacking in either or both of those departments then ELEX or any Piranha Bytes game for that matter might not be for you anyway.

They got rid of the Stamina meter/requirement for the second one, if I'm not mistaken, so that's already a concession made.
Plumb: I would have liked it if they just added the ability to toggle off the lock-on and LEAVE it off until I turn it back on.
Toggle it off, break the combat "zone", re-enter the zone and the lock-on is toggled back on.
Been a while but I'm sure I was able to disable auto locking on target permanently?
Via the difficulty options, "Combat Focus" or something. Could be set to either completely off or manual, if I'm not mistaken.
ussnorway: i enjoyed the first until I got to the cleric base and found 1/2 the quests unfinished but the mark up is pretty standard now i.e, Australians pay more for things because we are used to being charged extra for shipping

in any event i'm glad they got a grant to make this but not this time thanks
In all honesty im really surprised the price isnt a lot lower. I thought that kind of thing was something for the past. Guess GOG doesnt really care about Aussie customers :(
Swedrami: I thought the first one's combat was just fine, once you got used to it.
Took some investing of time and patience, but if you're lacking in either or both of those departments then ELEX or any Piranha Bytes game for that matter might not be for you anyway.

They got rid of the Stamina meter/requirement for the second one, if I'm not mistaken, so that's already a concession made.
The thing that irritated me is the friendly fire, I tried to help a friendly NPC fight a monster and was locked onto an enemy, then after it was dead (I was in mid-swing when it died) it then locked onto the NPC and I ended up accidentally hitting them, when they aggro'd I quit and haven't picked it up in a while after that...

There's a reason why they made concessions with the difficulties because without a large pool of players you'll only hook in a much, much smaller pool, which will not pay the bills if you're a small-mid-sized development company, as the elite few are that, the FEW.

(Also, the fact that my fingers are not as spry as they once were, as age takes no prisoners!) :P

The reason why FROM software can get away with it as they have an entire nation of elite gamers as their main market, (Japan) not just the west, so they can afford to have punishing game difficulties.

EDIT: That said, I'm still gonna pick this up as I do enjoy PB's titles as they are still doable!
Post edited January 12, 2022 by TZODnmr2k5
Please bring back the flavor text.
one of the greatest publishers out there
tons of awesome IPs and they bring us gems from the past, updated ones and classics alike

long live thq nordic nuff said
rjbuffchix: :"Has to" find his own son, Dex?

I know it is a roleplaying game but I don't like having to play as a parent character. Is there at least an option to go a different route, like ignore the main quest?
There are side quests and faction quests in an open world (though I think the faction quests might all "push" the main story).


... but if it makes you feel better - I sunk a ton of time into the game, beating it and I didn't even remember the "kid" hook until you just mentioned it LOL.

So the kid really isn't that big a part of the story - I remember *other things* redacted / spoilers - and the problems of the land / world / faction... but the kid - nope! Not until just now. You spend more time with the "problems" of the factions, which are sorot of specific to them than you do babysitting.
AlexTerranova: In the Witcher you take a role of a temporary guardian, not a parent.
Still means having a kid around. Gah!
My problem was the very thing that you got two choices between Triss and Shani, who to be with yourself and who should care for the kid, but they were lumped together, so kid had to go with you. Should have been different choices, leave the kid with one and stay with the other yourself.
Ixamyakxim: I sunk a ton of time into the game, beating it
Hm? A ton of time into and beating an unreleased game?
Post edited January 12, 2022 by Cavalary
Piranha Bytes game? Instabuy at full price.

God I love Gothic + Risen 1 games.

Elex 1 is still on my to-play-list, though. Sigh.
I have a lot of trouble to convince myself to Piranha's games and I tried several times. All of the games made by German developers have the same similar style, which doesn't fit me. Of course it's not a problem with graphics, but rather mechanics. Elex II will be probably similar, so every fan of Gothic should be pleased. I always preferred to play Baldur's Gate 2 rather than Gothic however and I don't fully understand the phenomena of this game. :)