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Title: ELEX II
Genre: Open-world action RPG
Planned release date: 1st March 2022
Discount: 10 % off until 1st March 1 2022, 6 PM UTC.
high rated
The preorder of ELEX II is now live on GOG - enjoy :)

PS: the GOG post above is - well - informative :D :D :D
high rated
ThomNG: PS: the GOG post above is - well - informative :D :D :D
The fact that even publishers are commenting on this is pretty definitive on how everyone feels about this "template" :)
low rated
ThomNG: The preorder of ELEX II is now live on GOG - enjoy :)

PS: the GOG post above is - well - informative :D :D :D
Hey! Glad to see you enjoy and encourage the new GOG disdain style!
I hope at least you and the rest of the publishers/developers get a higher percentage as I expect prices drop to us the customers as well... considering an automated script can easily make this posts...
Otherwise, someone (whose name I won't say) is getting the money doing less...
high rated
ThomNG: The preorder of ELEX II is now live on GOG - enjoy :)

PS: the GOG post above is - well - informative :D :D :D
Off topic : Are all THQ Nordic games have the latest updates , patches , DLCs on Gog ?
Is the Description team on strike, sick or something ?

These new rushed and bland game descriptions are really unappealing to me...
Tza: Is the Description team on strike, sick or something ?

These new rushed and bland game descriptions are really unappealing to me...
According to this post they are trying a new template for news and releases.
high rated
ThomNG: The preorder of ELEX II is now live on GOG - enjoy :)

PS: the GOG post above is - well - informative :D :D :D
DD & Ji Ji: Off topic : Are all THQ Nordic games have the latest updates , patches , DLCs on Gog ?
If I could guess, I would say No. That is very unlikely as it has been a long history with the huge amount of products, we appreciate to have live here on GOG. Some titles were taken over from other publishers, some versions or languages were not available back in the days as DRM free versions or for legal reasons etc but we decided to bring at least one version live etc. or it was simply how versions were created back in the days and any tech reasons or GOG limitations we had years ago etc. However we are trying our best - especially on new products - to be and stay up to date. GOG also sometimes is asking for missing patches/updates which we then try to include (or in case it was ie a Steam only update for some Steam related stuff, we will let them know etc.). It is definitely a living process however we cannot guarantee that ie there is always Steam parity on all of our games due to the reasons mentioned above. On the other hand, we also have titles live here on GOG which you cannot find anywhere else (just thinking about The Nations and Alien Nations or Pax Imperia) which simply shows how genious the GOG tech team was back in the days to create versions which are working for GOG releases while it was not possible to integrate them into Steamworks etc. :D
Post edited January 11, 2022 by ThomNG
Well, now you've answered that... can I have a cookie?
ThomNG: If I could guess, I would say No. That is very unlikely as it has been a long history with the huge amount of products, we appreciate to have live here on GOG. Some titles were taken over from other publishers, some versions or languages were not available back in the days as DRM free versions or for legal reasons etc but we decided to bring at least one version live etc. or it was simply how versions were created back in the days and any tech reasons or GOG limitations we had years ago etc. However we are trying our best - especially on new products - to be and stay up to date. GOG also sometimes is asking for missing patches/updates which we then try to include (or in case it was ie a Steam only update for some Steam related stuff, we will let them know etc.). It is definitely a living process however we cannot guarantee that ie there is always Steam parity on all of our games due to the reasons mentioned above.
Thank you for the reply .
avatar Title: ELEX II
Genre: Open-world action RPG
Planned release date: 1st March 2022
Discount: 10 % off until 1st March 1 2022, 6 PM UTC.
GOG: Take the keyboard away from the trainee!
When: Now!
I honestly dislike this new template.

Will definitely get the game around release date. Loved the first game (aside from a few exceptions). :)
The new template is much fine (rather informative, that is).
However the free text of a sentence or two is missed -- I've had the good habit of replying to it. Nothing to hook at atm.

Onto the game:

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
low rated
i have to play the first first :P
Gotta love the official blurb though.
avatar ELEX II is the sequel to ELEX, the vintage open-world role-playing experience ...
Wow, wow, wow!

"Vintage"? 2017 is "vintage" these days?

I was born 2080. If something not even 5 years old passes for that predicate, what am I then? A "walking dad"?
avatar Several years after Jax defeated the Hybrid...
Oh, come on! Enough with the spoilers already. Give some of us time to finish the first game!
avatar a new threat arrives from the sky, unleashing the dangerous powers of dark Elex
Old and busted: Elex.
New hotness: "Dark" Elex.

THQ, you sneaky bastards, I see what you did there!
If you replace "vintage" with "dark vintage", does it become more "Gothic" by chance?
avatar interact with (...) unique NPCs, who will remember what you’ve done and react accordingly
So... you basically want me to play with my mother in law?
avatar will join or leave your group depending on how you behave
Nah! She doesn't leave. She just tells me to behave "or else". And you really don't wanna know what "else" looks like.
avatar are able to be killed, ...
Woah! Hold your horses, THQ. That escalated too quickly.

On the othert hand... you do have my attention.
avatar Jax has to go on a mission to (...) find his own son, Dex
Waiiit! Jax had Sex and a son named Dex? Seriously, THQ, who is your story writer?

Let me guess, his Mum is called Sax? Aaand she is dead?
Figures! Pfft... mothers. Always getting in the way of a good story--and a new romantic sub-plot, am I right?

Not... that I would ever do.... that, of course. Love, just in case you are reading this... oookay. Moving on!

Final question, THQ. Dax is in his late forties or early fifties by now, right? Spoil the beans, guys: what's his secret? I mean, no gray hair, no reading glasses, ... jumps around like a 6 month old kitten and growls like a tiger on the prowl.

When I got my own son, much younger than Dax must have been, not even 12 months into that rollercoaster ride, my hair turned whiter than Geralt of Rivia and I was so sleep deprived, I started to forget how to spell my own name. Years later I gained 15 pounds, lost 20 points on agility, and don't even remember what sanity feels like. Admit it, THQ! Dax is on some weird crap you won't tell us about.

(PS: Where on Magalan did you find a good kindergarten? I honestly have been all over the place with no luck at all. My DMs are open. Text me? I can keep a secret!)