dtgreene: Then how did games like Final Fantasy 6 and the Tomb Raider games get so popular? (Say what you will about FF6 not having a clear protagonist, but the 2 most obvious choices happen to be women.)
(Also, you do note that, in the food service industry, chef jobs are dominated by men?)
UCrest: And what protagonists, Terra and Celes! They are very well built characters and the game has a wonderful story. Plus, a super villain like Kefka. FFIII (VI) was my first RPG and my favourite characters were Terra, Celes, Sabin, Cyan and Shadow. And for me FFVI is the best game of the whole saga after IX, VII and VIII. The truth is that I have a deep affection for this title.
Also, as a bit of LGBTQIA representation, Terra is clearly asexual (or, perhaps, "aromantic" might be the better term to use); there's even a line about that early in the game. The game even respects that throughout, not ever trying to pair her romantically with another character. Even her ending respects her asexuality.
With that said, I do prefer FF5, as it has better gameplay, and isn't as cutscene heavy as FF6 pre-second FF6 airship. I do like FF6 from the time you get the second airship right up until game balance breaks down (which happens when you get Ultima), but before then the game is a chore with all the cutscenes you have to sit through, not to mention the game being quite linear (pre-second airship). FF5 has much better gameplay.
(Yes, this is getting a little off-topic.)
vv221: - Games on GOG:
6547 - Games on GOG with a female protagonist:
526 (many of these seem to actually be games where you design you character, including gender choice)
People complaining about this game providing only a female-looking protagonist should go play the more than 6000 games catering to their testosterone addiction instead, and let this thread to those who are genuinely intrigued by this game.
What happens to this count when you exclude games that don't have a gendered protagonist (like Hollow Knight or Undertale), or that don't have a protagonist at all (like SimCity or Civilization games)?
DoomSooth: It's about having the choice to play one or the other. Why is that bad?
Because, in games that don't give you that choice, there is a severe over-representation of male protagonists and an under-representation of female protagonists.
(For this to not have been the case, roughly half of all games with protagonists that don't let you choose would need to have female protagonists.)