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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available for pre-order. Get it 10% off until release on June 25th.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG by Koji Igarashi. Play as Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist's curse that slowly crystallizes her body. Battle through a demon-infested castle and defeat its master to save yourself, and all of humanity!
high rated
darthspudius: This game has so much potential but the whole anime style is just vomit inducing. Horrible art style.
oh my. shock and horror, a game by Japanese designers have a Japanese art style. when did the world come to this!!!!!!111!!1!!1
ShadowWulfe: Is it really that difficult to develop for GOG or are the developers just lazy? I can never quite figure it out.
Almost certainly lazy. In addition to dropping promised platforms, 505 Games has shown that they really don't have much respect for the backers.

In fact, they just made an announcement that boiled down to "A poll that was open to non-backers convinced us to make the content that was supposed to be backer-exclusive available as pre-order bonuses for some stores, at price points lower than the corresponding backer tiers."

mqstout: Any effort on getting the classic-style spinoff to go DRM-free alongside this?
Swedrami: I'm sure there was/still is(?) but the publisher of the classic Castlevania-like spin-off ("Curse of the Moon" or something?) unfortunately is one of those deluded "We don't publish our games DRM-free, period"-type of publishers.
Which is really sad. If I ever feel like playing it (I'm a backer who backed on the promise of DRM-free Linux versions), it's trivial for me to track down multiple cracked torrents for it.

(Though, given my principles, I probably won't for the same reason I never back anything anymore. They're not getting my money for DRMed garbage and, if I don't pirate either, they have no grounds to whine about not getting my money.)

Last time I saw a crowdfunded game that looked interesting, I donated some money to OpenTTD instead.
Post edited May 24, 2019 by ssokolow
Retail customers get a steelbook for less than what backers paid for a physical collector's edition that *doesn't* include the steelbook. Backers can buy the steelbook (just the case) for $15, if they're able to order it before the limited supply runs out.

The retro spinoff would have helped towards making up the price difference somewhat, but of course they screwed GOG users out of getting to have it here (offering codes for Steam or one of the consoles instead).

At this point I'm wondering if we'll actually get a physical GOG edition as promised, or if they'll announce that all PC discs are Steam at the last minute.

Also disappointing: Stretch goal content won't be on the disc despite the long wait - it'll come later as DLC.
Post edited May 23, 2019 by SeduceMePlz
darthspudius: This game has so much potential but the whole anime style is just vomit inducing. Horrible art style.
Lol, you do know that Japan is kinda famous for its Anime style ?
Expexcting always non anime style games from Japan wich by the way is one of the staple arts over there is like expecting Disney or pixar to newer produce any Animation movies.

Luckily there are people with difrent tastes otherwise the world woud been a pretty boring place to live.

Edit : Thers also some exellent horror games produced in Japan but since i usally doesnt deal that well with horror games perhaps we shoud remove those too. Cant have games that make people uncomfortable can we, because obviously my opinion matters more than anyone else..
Post edited May 23, 2019 by Lodium
ShadowWulfe: Is it really that difficult to develop for GOG or are the developers just lazy? I can never quite figure it out.
GOG can do nothing about it.
ShadowWulfe: Is it really that difficult to develop for GOG or are the developers just lazy? I can never quite figure it out.
Zoidberg: GOG can do nothing about it.
I'm not saying they can.

If Bethesda can add full support for a bugged out mess like Fallout: New Vegas then any of these developers should be able to.
Achievements? Any goodies? It used to be such a treat to buy games on GOG, simply because you would get a ton of digital extras that no other platform had. Now it's just the same as everywhere else. Or worse.
Post edited May 23, 2019 by rainydaygaming
darthspudius: This game has so much potential but the whole anime style is just vomit inducing. Horrible art style.
amok: oh my. shock and horror, a game by Japanese designers have a Japanese art style. when did the world come to this!!!!!!111!!1!!1
Not to mention the art style matches the source material they are trying to be a spiritual successor for exactly. Seems strange to complain about that.
ChrisGamer300: Not really an issue but the value seem poor, can't argue with that and i do like good value on the stuff i buy.
BeatriceElysia: My point exactly. Maybe I should have said The VALUE instead...
On top of that the game comes with rude regional pricing, 25% surcharge on the US price.
avatar Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available for pre-order. Get it 10% off until release on June 25th.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG by Koji Igarashi. Play as Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist's curse that slowly crystallizes her body. Battle through a demon-infested castle and defeat its master to save yourself, and all of humanity!
No pixel-offspring game here, no sell GOG. Sorry.

But on the other side: pixel-offspring game here, too -> instabuy.

Thanks for listening and bringing the feedback to the developer/publishers.
That's a mighty hefty price for this game, and I hope these devs aren't planning to treat GOG customers like second-class citizens by not bothering to give us Achievements even though the Steam version of the same game does have Achievements.
ShadowWulfe: Is it really that difficult to develop for GOG or are the developers just lazy? I can never quite figure it out.
Many/most developers are just lazy and can't be bothered to treat GOG customers equally to their customers on other platforms.

In contrast to those bad devs, some very small devs (i.e. XSEED, 10tons) treat GOG customers with respect by giving us Achievements. So it can't be that hard to implement Galaxy Achievements.
Zoidberg: GOG can do nothing about it.
Sure they can: GOG can refuse to sell games on its platform that treat its customers like second-class citizens by withholding features that the same game on other platforms do have. If they are going to curate anything, then how about they start curating that.
Pyromancer138: No achievements, no purchase.
I'm not sure why your great post was downvoted. I upvoted it. I, too, am very reluctant to purchase games on GOG that have Achievements on other platforms for the same exact game, yet not on GOG. I like to be treated equally, instead of being unfairly penalized with removed features, for preferring GOG. That's a perfectly reasonable expectation.
Post edited May 24, 2019 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
avatar Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available for pre-order. Get it 10% off until release on June 25th.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG by Koji Igarashi. Play as Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist's curse that slowly crystallizes her body. Battle through a demon-infested castle and defeat its master to save yourself, and all of humanity!
Anime-BlackWolf: No pixel-offspring game here, no sell GOG. Sorry.

But on the other side: pixel-offspring game here, too -> instabuy.

Thanks for listening and bringing the feedback to the developer/publishers.
Of course, this is exactly how it will work: the developers will see that the game is selling poorly here, and decide that this is a signal to add the pixel-offspring game here (the developers of which consider "no release without DRM.") Everything will be so (Nope).

I can help with the advice on the development of your tactics: don’t buy any games here at all and then ALL developers (games of which you have not bought here), will immediately realize that ALL their games need to be released here so that these games can sell better here.
Post edited May 23, 2019 by Loger13
high rated
Zoidberg: GOG can do nothing about it.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Sure they can: GOG can refuse to sell games on its platform that treat its customers like second-class citizens
Achievements are NOT critical features in a game, you can tap your foot all you want, sir. :P
Loger13: I can help with the advice on the development of your tactics: don’t buy any games here at all and then ALL developers (games of which you have not bought here), will immediately realize that ALL their games need to be released here so that these games can sell better here.
Do what you want with your money, but I am NOT gonna buy DRM rubbish or products from lying developers anywhere.

And my collection here should be enough to state my conviction to buy games here.

You guys seem to forget: the developers NEED your money, you do not NEED their games. Fairly simple...
Post edited May 24, 2019 by Anime-BlackWolf
mqstout: Any effort on getting the classic-style spinoff to go DRM-free alongside this?
It has been answered, but I'll add my 2 cents why they (Inti creates) likely won't include it here. For their mysterious reasons they openly loathe the idea of drm-free software and consider drm as integral part of their games.
I did a minor study on this phenomenon years ago (general idea predominately in Japan, since Inti is not the first publisher to act like this) and concluded back then that some things are simply lost (or added) in translation. I believe this is the case here and that they interpret going drm-free as giving up their rights for the IP, where the game would effectively become public domain, free-for-all wild west style. As far fetched as that might sound, it's the most plausible explanation, where they simply misunderstand the drm in general and actually consider it an added value as funny as it may sound.

Personally I find it unfair to not include the gog version of it to the ks backers of bloodstained.
But on the other hand, I gave up on them as publishers, chucked away their games from my wishlists regardless the platform. In 99% of cases I separate the developer (creative part) and publisher (marketing/pr/business part), but this case just rubbed me the wrong way just enough to lose interest in the game.