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Be the very first to play!

<span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span> is now available to preload on If you have pre-ordered the anticipated, next-generation RPG, you can choose to pre-load the game and be one of the very first to play once it goes live on May 19th.

The simplest way to preload the game is through the just-released GOG Galaxy Beta. GOG Galaxy is fully integrated into the DRM-free release of <span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span> and includes convenient auto-updates, game time tracking and achievements. Of course, you can also preload manually by downloading the available files off your shelf on the website.

The preload includes subtitles in every language and full English voiceovers. Once the game is live, you'll have the option to download an additional ~3GB language pack with voiceovers in your preferred language.

The complete original soundtrack is also available for download today alongside the preload, just in time to set the proper mood for the ruthless, dark-fantasy epic. If you preordered the game, you'll find the soundtrack in the bonus goodies section of your shelf. Don't forget, that this is one of the last opportunities to take advantage of the pre-order discounts - that includes the -20% loyalty deal for owners of the previous two The Witcher games on!

While you wait, check out one of the sexiest previews of <span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span>, brought to you by the hilarity-infused Conan O'Brien:

<iframe width="775" height="436" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Post edited May 12, 2015 by Konrad
skeletonbow: There is a registry key in Windows that you can change to disable Windows Update from automatically rebooting. I had similar things happen to me and lost data as a result and was super pissed off. I searched the web and found instructions on disabling it. I still get the annoying reboot popup every 10m to 4hrs depending on how it is postponed but no more auto-rebooting. Don't have a link handy but it's easy enough to search for if anyone is interested in disabling that. Hope this helps!
I prefer checking the for available Windows updates manually every now and then, e.g. once a week, when it suits me. Apparently I have earlier found a setting that it won't constantly complain to me for not letting it do it all by itself.

Another option would be to let it check for the updates and inform me, but meh. I'll check it myself every now and then anyway, so it isn't like I do with that information that much.

(Firefox and Adobe Flash I let do their stuff automatically, as they won't try to reboot the machine anyway.)
maeschba: I think they didn't change the name yet. There were 3-4 tracks since the preorder. Now the MP3 archive contains 35 tracks. FLAC doesn't work yet. Don't know why. Archive is invalid.
fenixDG: Just gave it a download and it seems to work now. Maybe give it anther try and see how it goes.
Yes, now it works. The non-working versions were 494MB in size.

I got most of the way through the download in a couple of hours on my connection, which usually manages an average of 5-6MBytes/s Suddenly that got nerfed to 0.2 MBytes/s and I've barely made any headway in the ensuing couple of hours. I can only presume I have met the heavy time for people pre-loading.

Ahh well, was hoping to get it done and shut down, but will now just have to check in the morning.

Hoping for no corruption over night. G'night all!
skeletonbow: There is a registry key in Windows that you can change to disable Windows Update from automatically rebooting. I had similar things happen to me and lost data as a result and was super pissed off. I searched the web and found instructions on disabling it. I still get the annoying reboot popup every 10m to 4hrs depending on how it is postponed but no more auto-rebooting. Don't have a link handy but it's easy enough to search for if anyone is interested in disabling that. Hope this helps!
Your great magic again. ;) For less complicated approach, you can change how windows updates are installed, and let windows only to download it, but install them manually, before you finish your work.
Do we know how big will the last part be? I'm sure the servers will get hammered on the 19th.
OdanUrr: Does the PC version have the option to create a world state as well as import a TW2 saved game?
I am almost positive that either someone from CDPR or a game reviewer mentioned that you can import your TW2 character into TW3 but I don't have a direct reference handy.

RudyLis: Your great magic again. ;) For less complicated approach, you can change how windows updates are installed, and let windows only to download it, but install them manually, before you finish your work.
I have it configured to do that, but once you install the updates it will still reboot your computer on you if you don't go into the registry and disable it.
Post edited May 14, 2015 by skeletonbow
katatonicone: The preload contains English subtitles and voiceovers + subtitles for other supported languages. Other voiceovers of ~2,5-3GB will be available for download on the premiere day.
C'mon, that is just mean! I'm Polish and I know the difference in English and Polish languages for this game. If I pre-ordered online and the preload is available, I don't see why I can't specify the game language. I don't want to play it in English!

At least make the Polish language pack available at 1am, this way I can start the download and go to sleep.
Daliz: Why don't you just announce TW3 for Linux so I could preorder it, LOL ;)
Probably because they know that they wont be able to release it until some number of days/weeks/months after the Windows release is out there and if they announce it people will go into a violent rage if it doesn't come out immediately, boycott the store and send a lynch mob of real world Witchers to Poland to molotov their head offices.

Observing the behaviour of gamers and well, people in general over time I've come to the conclusion personally that any given software or game company will have the best positive reaction from their customers overall by not pre-announcing anything at all too early, and that if they do announce anything they need to put it out there within a short time frame or they will get brought to the slaughter by the average person's impatience and entitlement mentality. In short, I'm a big believer that id Software's "When It's Ready(TM)" is the best ETA any developer can give except perhaps dead silence which might be better (The Valve and Blizzard approach.) :)

Some derive displeasure from not knowing and basking in silence, I like the suspense myself. :)

CastorKrieg: C'mon, that is just mean! I'm Polish and I know the difference in English and Polish languages for this game. If I pre-ordered online and the preload is available, I don't see why I can't specify the game language. I don't want to play it in English!

At least make the Polish language pack available at 1am, this way I can start the download and go to sleep.
How far are you from their offices? Maybe you can drive over and get them to put it on a USB memory stick for ya. ;oP

On a serious note though, it does seem slightly odd they wouldn't make that content available for pre-download at the same time unless of course if it wasn't ready in advance like the main game build and is landing more as the final day approaches, but then that'd be cutting things really close too. Having said that though, I can imagine that someone Polish living in Poland waiting to buy a Polish video game based on the story and characters of a Polish fiction author and made by a Polish company from it's Polish sister company, in all of their native language of Polish - would find it odd that the option isn't available. I would too. :) I'm even tempted to play the 3 Witcher games in Polish with English subtitles if that is even possible just to see if it adds to the immersion at all. I like watching films like that, especially German war films.
Post edited May 14, 2015 by skeletonbow
skeletonbow: On a serious note though, it does seem slightly odd they wouldn't make that content available for pre-download at the same time unless of course if it wasn't ready in advance like the main game build and is landing more as the final day approaches, but then that'd be cutting things really close too. Having said that though, I can imagine that someone Polish living in Poland waiting to buy a Polish video game based on the story and characters of a Polish fiction author and made by a Polish company from it's Polish sister company, in all of their native language of Polish - would find it odd that the option isn't available. I would too. :) I'm even tempted to play the 3 Witcher games in Polish with English subtitles if that is even possible just to see if it adds to the immersion at all. I like watching films like that, especially German war films.
It is more than that. I played the Witcher series in both English, Polish, as well as other languages to brush up my language skills. But the same as with works of Goethe in German - the whole nature of the game is different if played in Polish. Part of the reason the series got so popular in Poland was due to language and dialogues.
I know this is most certainly a stupid and useless question, buuuut... I was just thinking: will we get the famous 16 DLCs with this digital pre-order?
skeletonbow: I have it configured to do that, but once you install the updates it will still reboot your computer on you if you don't go into the registry and disable it.
Correct. But at least with "softer" disabling of auto updates they won't be SURPRISE to you, when you in the middle of some, ahem, "calibrations". /grin

Nephilim88: I know this is most certainly a stupid and useless question, buuuut... I was just thinking: will we get the famous 16 DLCs with this digital pre-order?
CDPR promised we all get them, at regular intervals after game's release.
Post edited May 14, 2015 by RudyLis
By the way, what is the fastest way to preload? Through browser, gog downloader, galaxy or download files as extras in galaxy?
Senteria: By the way, what is the fastest way to preload? Through browser, gog downloader, galaxy or download files as extras in galaxy?
Since Galaxy does not currently compress its installation payload, it will most likely take longer to do an "install" with Galaxy if that's even possible with TW3 (I don't own it yet.... YET... :)

Galaxy uses different back-end servers/CDN than the website does so it is possible for manual download speed/experiences to differ between using the browser or using the client. Many have reported really slow downloads with Galaxy lately although it only seems to affect certain people and I don't think GOG has figured out why yet, or at least I haven't seen a blue comment definitively about it.

My conclusion although not absolute, is that downloading directly from the website or via GOG Downloader is probably the fastest method based on the information I've seen people posting in the forums in the last week, however that might vary from one location to another or by other factors. Since the game isn't playable until the 19th of May Polish time zone (18th in North America woohoo!), it probably doesn't matter much though if it takes a bit longer to download anyway. :)

On a complete side note... One thing that drives me nuts, is that this is the first video game in almost 10 years to make me feel a bit emotionally attached to it and to the company that makes it... I've been highly anticipating it, planning on buying it preorder (which I *NEVER* do with games) since it was announced, but planned to wait until the last moment which is more or less now. But then the system requirements came out and they indicate I may not be able to actually play the game without a hardware upgrade (GPU) so I decided I would wait some weeks/months after release to get it until I could actually test it somehow first. But I still want to give my full support to CDPR now... tug of war in my HEAD! But the deal maker, was the news of a certain major game retailer engaging in what I consider to e unscrupulous mafia tactics against CDPR and by selling copies of the game from "unknown sources". That really infuriated me almost like someone shitting on my food or something and it takes a lot for me to get upset like that.

As a result, just for purely ideological reasons I ended up feeling compelled to buy the game now whether I can play it or not just to speak my voice of support for CDPR+GOG using my wallet. I almost never do such things even when ideologically motivated by something! I wonder if they have subliminal messages in their Witcher 3 trailer videos or on the GOG website or something? Hrm... :)

Still haven't made the purchase, but it is lingering in my cart for a few days now and if I'm honest with myself I already feel that I'm unable to resist at this point. The constant gaming media coverage only makes it worse too, whether it is good news articles/previews/teasers/cool shit, or even the bad news "CDPR sucks, they're evil, they did blah blah blah I hate them" crap, I end up walking away having more good thoughts about CDPR+GOG in the end.

They might as well just show up at my door and take my wallet in person at this point. is more like it! ;)

CastorKrieg: It is more than that. I played the Witcher series in both English, Polish, as well as other languages to brush up my language skills. But the same as with works of Goethe in German - the whole nature of the game is different if played in Polish. Part of the reason the series got so popular in Poland was due to language and dialogues.
Yeah, I figured that might be the case. That's how I feel about a lot of those German war films, or even Russian or certain other old war films. Another one was Mel Gibson's Apocalypto which is done in an artificial language made to give an authentic ancient Mayan feel to the movie. Seeing people speak in their native tongue to each other, or in the case of Apocalypto a fictional native tongue just adds such an element of realism and immersion to the story that makes it so much more enjoyable. I hate subtitles too so to listen to something in a foreign language and have to read the subs is a PITA, so the end result has to be really powerful to make me endure that.

I've *NEVER* done that with a video game though ever. The Witcher is the first time I've ever even considered it as an idea to be honest. :) I'm interested in watching the movies that were made about it too now even though they're pretty low budget and rumoured to be low quality, it'd still be worth partaking in I think. What would be awesome is to have CDPR get together with Peter Jackson now to do a 3 part modern movie trilogy out of the series *in Polish* with English subtitles. :)
Post edited May 14, 2015 by skeletonbow
skeletonbow: I'm interested in watching the movies that were made about it too now even though they're pretty low budget and rumoured to be low quality, it'd still be worth partaking in I think. What would be awesome is to have CDPR get together with Peter Jackson now to do a 3 part modern movie trilogy out of the series *in Polish* with English subtitles. :)
The original TV series of - I think - 13 episodes was cut down to 2-hour movie. Rumours are true, the production is terrible. A proper Hollywood movie with great cast would be very welcomed.
CastorKrieg: The original TV series of - I think - 13 episodes was cut down to 2-hour movie. Rumours are true, the production is terrible. A proper Hollywood movie with great cast would be very welcomed.
That would be very cool. What would be interesting would be to see who they cast in the different roles. I wonder who would play an awesome Geralt for example. The first actor that comes to mind who could nail the role solidly IMHO would be Sean Bean. There's a lot of speculation and whatnot one could have thinking about that though. :)