Posted October 08, 2016

Strigon the Drow Necromancer
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted October 08, 2016
Exactly as needed as that :
Post edited October 08, 2016 by Telika

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 08, 2016
Meanwhile, Jason David Frank.

No Idea
New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted October 08, 2016
Wow, another gritty reboot. Hollywood really is devoid of any original ideas.

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted October 08, 2016
Yeah, it looks like shit. Not everything needs to be gritty. Actually gritty isn't even the right word. It reminds me of the Transformers movies, where they really want to make it look like the real world so they lean in on the most boring parts of the canon. In this case a bunch of teenagers, this time without attitude, going to school and discovering they're special, instead of roundhouse kicking monsters in the face.
I actually watched a bunch of those japanese shows when I was a kid, being nuts was half of the fun. Why can't we just have something colorful, crazy and fun for once?
Maybe if they ever do a Voltron movie one day...
I actually watched a bunch of those japanese shows when I was a kid, being nuts was half of the fun. Why can't we just have something colorful, crazy and fun for once?
Maybe if they ever do a Voltron movie one day...

Back from nowhere
Registered: Dec 2013
From Brazil
Posted October 08, 2016
LOL @ you guys taking this waaaay too seriously.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia
Posted October 08, 2016
Guys,while we are talking about Power Rangers(or their lack of power in the movie industry *cough*cough*),have there been any Power Rangers PC games worth a GOG treatment or not.Any info would be good ;).Cheers
Post edited October 08, 2016 by deja65

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted October 08, 2016

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 08, 2016

It is a PS2 port, though, with quite sketchy movement and somewhat fluid, choppy controls... And unlike console games of old, mecha clash is horrible.
Its DS iteration was much, much better, it even had high scores at reviews. The DS release was good. But they differ in NPCs and players, content generally... The DS titles of the series, especially the relatively recent ones, were somehow, of good quality, for gaming standards, contrary to the older titles. But the best ones were clearly the first video games, two decades ago, roughly, like the original "The Movie" (especially the Mega Drive version) and the "VS" (for Snes, that was a great fighter back in the day)...
Here, please, but as far as i can recall, japanese companies are tough customers, "tightwads" and certainly not the least bit gog-friendly... (FYI the original project is japanese and named "Super Sentai")
Post edited October 08, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia
Posted October 08, 2016

It is a PS2 port, though, with quite sketchy movement and somewhat fluid, choppy controls... And unlike console games of old, mecha clash is horrible.
Its DS iteration was much, much better, it even had high scores at reviews. The DS release was good. But they differ in NPCs and players, content generally... The DS titles of the series, especially the relatively recent ones, were somehow, of good quality, for gaming standards, contrary to the older titles. But the best ones were clearly the first video games, two decades ago, roughly, like the original "The Movie" (especially the Mega Drive version) and the "VS" (for Snes, that was a great fighter back in the day)... I think there is a wishlist entry for the one and only pc title of this series, time to check and vote if i didn't already, but as far as i can recall, japanese companies are tough customers and certainly not the least gog-friendly... (FYI the original project is japanese and named "Super Sentai")
Oh, my childhood!!!
Post edited October 08, 2016 by deja65

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 08, 2016

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted October 08, 2016
I agree with those, who disliked the trailer.
The thing is that Power Rangers is all about teenagers kicking monsters' ass. And the idea itself is rediculous.
Don't get me wrong - I liked the show (I watched first seasons when I was a kid and some other stuff later). But I don't see how all this can be told in serious tone. And I don't understand why they even tried to make it look like serious sci-fi.
Look at MiB for example - it's generally comedy, but it's still has some bad ass action.
The thing is that Power Rangers is all about teenagers kicking monsters' ass. And the idea itself is rediculous.
Don't get me wrong - I liked the show (I watched first seasons when I was a kid and some other stuff later). But I don't see how all this can be told in serious tone. And I don't understand why they even tried to make it look like serious sci-fi.
Look at MiB for example - it's generally comedy, but it's still has some bad ass action.

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted October 08, 2016
I expect this to be 3 times worse than Michael Bay's Transformer.

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia
Posted October 08, 2016

Don't forget to vote, just in case!