CARRiON.FLOWERS: Wow, they managed to make UE4 look like a shovelware game from a 90's Windows 95 game compilation disc.
Say what you want about Hatred, at least it doesn't look like absolute dog shit and has a really awesome destruction system. All RWS did was clean up the
static backgrounds and turn the voxels into really cartoony ugly models, then rip out the original's last level to replace it with something else.
You know what would have been a better idea? Give your fans a proper Postal 3. Since they thought it'd be a good idea to outsource it to a dev called TRASHMASTERS.
tinyE: While they're at it let them fix Carmageddon 3. Where the hell did they get off making it an actual racing game!?
Stainless handled the Carmageddon series, not RWS, though Stainless is actually friends with RWS. Funnily enough both did let someone else handle the third entry in each series. But to be perfectly fair, TDR 2000 is better enjoyed and interpreted as being a spinoff than canon to the first two games (and the new one). It's got more of an emphasis on the racing part (checkpoints give you TIME in addition to credits where the original series did not provide extra time, only through splatting pedestrians, hitting opponents or collecting time bonus power-ups) otherwise it's still the same destruction derby vehicular homicide experience as the others. The same CANNOT be said for Postal III however.
My impressions so far with the POSTAL Redux? It's pretty bad man. Does not feel good. Hard is annoying and everything wrong with the original is still present. The grenades are STILL difficult to use. There's not enough blood or gore. The voice acting is garbage and there's less of it. Levels somehow feel smaller and shorter than they did in the original likely due to less enemies even on Hard. Hard is artificially hard because hostiles shoot you off screen more often than not and it seems to only be concerned with damage numbers. Weapons are not satisfying to use. Executing feels pointless and the executions are as lame as the original's even with the shotgun's head explosion. I still hate the presentation, it reminds me of some kind of weird mobile port with claimed 'enhanced' graphics and modern controls but otherwise largely still the same game, seems cheap and like a bad imitation of the original.
Otherwise the ONLY thing I seem to like so far is ... um ... actually I don't really like much of anything. Maybe the level art being nicer to look at, but that's really stretching it.
Goddammit RWS you had ONE JOB.