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I did some clean-up on my desktop! Installed a theme patcher for windows xp, then installed the GUIRelax theme. :)
For the desktop, I did a Desktop folder (Bureau), and placed a toolbar in autohide mode at the left. I did another one for the game/utils shortcup at the top of the second screen :)
desktop.jpg (343 Kb)
Post edited October 12, 2008 by DukeNico
mine. did a bit of cleaning and change the icons.
desktop.jpg (134 Kb)
I believe in surgery
myspace.jpg (89 Kb)
The current desktop at work...
this one is awesome so i wanna share it :)
Nice to see I'm not the only one who likes to keep their desktop neat and organised.
desktop.jpg (190 Kb)
Here ya go. A nice chunky resolution of 1024x768 for my archaic CRT monitor ;)
desktop.jpg (294 Kb)
i love this wall
My new desktop! I don't know how could I have lived without piles till now:
Oh where's that attachement... FINE!
Post edited January 16, 2009 by Fenixp
Here's my one, this is the more socially acceptable version, was a slightly different pose before.
It's a good desktop image though, plenty of space for icons and not too cluttered
I know its pretty barebones (I haven't even changed the wallpaper yet!) but here it is.
fuck_yeah.jpg (185 Kb)
Aliasalpha: Here's my one, this is the more socially acceptable version, was a slightly different pose before.
It's a good desktop image though, plenty of space for icons and not too cluttered

Who's that chick?
a model called Jessica Sky, found some pics of her a year or 2 back and have been obssessed since
My current desktop, had it for quite a while now. I change them in irregular intervals, usually when i'm either totally bored of it, or if i find something i really like.
Usually i do not even have that much stuff on it, but sometimes i do not want to put it somewhere else, because i access it often or its only temporary.
Post edited January 16, 2009 by Aurion
Been using this as my desktop for quite a while now.
desktop.jpg (113 Kb)