jamotide: lol...I'll only leave if the leavers get what they want (censorship)
Nice to see a false dichotomy. There's a huge gap between Mr. Gog enforcing the rules that he has on paper now and censorship.
I can't speak for the folks that are leaving, but actually enforcing the rules against abusing other forum goers would go a long way. We literally have entire threads that exist for no other purpose than to harass forum goers.
Certain people like to bitch about my snarkiness, but I don't go around trolling threads like certain other people I could name. I can think of at least a few people off the top of my head that never seem to do anything other than troll threads and cause headaches.
Personally, I'm likely to take a bit of a vacation, just because there's fewer and fewer threads here that actually interest me. There's a ton of threads bitching about one thing or another and there's the various game threads that are of no interest to me.
I wouldn't mind the negativity so much, but they also seem to be thinking free zones. In many cases the person starting the thread hasn't bothered to even contact Mr. Gog to see if there's a resolution. The people in the threads often times get bent out of shape with people that have actual solutions to try or that otherwise refuse to engage in the pity party.
That's not really any fun and I'm not surprised that people are leaving the site. I have no idea how many that is compared with the number of new accounts or accounts that are continuing to post.
Shadowstalker16: Read the title. I'm not leaving. Anyone else?
TVs_Frank: I've read your posts. You should GTFO.