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catpower1980: LOL, how do you know this film?
catpower, Spetters kinda popular in here, I guess ;)
It's name in here is "Sem Controle" or "No Control". God knows why ( ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ)

It was also showcased from time to time on a defunct tv channel in here called "Canal 21", the best thing to ever hit the tv. So many great movies, so many f*cktastic series never before seen by brazilians.
Now it is filled with utter (sorry folks) religious crap every single day. Much like our entire tv.
Btw there are almost no morning cartoons these days. As a father of twins, I say: that's gotta be a sad time for kids in here... :(
catpower1980: BTW, on the right side, isn't it one of those new-retro console which plays cartridges from various 8-16 bits consoles of the 80-90's?
vicklemos: Nope, it's just some old regular Famicom, the japanese NES!
But it could surely be an Analogue NT. Cheap, huh? :D
Argh, how could I fail reconizing the famicom? :o)

Re-argh when seeing the price of the analoge NT, at this price it's better to get a second hand NES/Famicom. When writing "cheap consoles", I tought of the Retron for example which has a much softer price (but it's software emulation of course):
vicklemos: Nope, it's just some old regular Famicom, the japanese NES!
But it could surely be an Analogue NT. Cheap, huh? :D
catpower1980: Argh, how could I fail reconizing the famicom? :o)

Re-argh when seeing the price of the analoge NT, at this price it's better to get a second hand NES/Famicom. When writing "cheap consoles", I tought of the Retron for example which has a much softer price (but it's software emulation of course):
Nah, it's no big deal...
(...) dude how could you?! :P

Yep, even the Retron 5 is damn expensive in here, but this Analogue NT takes the cake: the most expensive deal on the history of Earth :D
It's made out of fairy dust and melted together with the tears of innocent chihuahuas, that's why.
Jokes aside, what a console it is. Check this vid, it's amazing!
Post edited September 21, 2015 by vicklemos
DubConqueror: No tidying up? Well alright. I did open my favourite game though, with my character just entering it's namesake's city (to hide the open porn tabs, you know). And added a picture of what's above my rig, to show there's more fun things in life than gaming.
great book collection: guns, germs and steel is great, I love Brian Greene and I'm reading through Dawkin's The God Delusion now. :)
real.geizterfahr: Well... Nothing spectacular :/
stryx: Well, you do get points for having a joystick on your desk.
Not much of a choice with all Wing Commanders, both Freespaces, TIE Fighter, X-Wing and both Aquanox games on my GOG shelf (and more stuff like the X series on my real shelf)... I can't live without a joystick :P
BillyMaysFan59: Anyways here is a stock photo of my real gaming laptop, a ThinkPad W500.
Funny, I had that same model, now I use a T500 instead. Not much for gaming, but for having something with me when I'm away for more than a couple days. There's also an Asus Eee 1001PX, but that gets even less use.
DubConqueror: No tidying up? Well alright. I did open my favourite game though, with my character just entering it's namesake's city (to hide the open porn tabs, you know). And added a picture of what's above my rig, to show there's more fun things in life than gaming.
Crewdroog: great book collection: guns, germs and steel is great, I love Brian Greene and I'm reading through Dawkin's The God Delusion now. :)
To quote the priestess of Tempus Branwen: "Thank you for your kind words" (and I wish I knew more women liking those kinds of books - more men might be welcome too).
Post edited September 21, 2015 by DubConqueror
Meh... As the guy above said: "nothing special". :)

Btw, I'm watching a screencast of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (W1). :)
dsc05984.jpg (87 Kb)
Post edited September 21, 2015 by astropup
astropup: Meh... As the guy above said: "nothing special". :)
I spy with my little eye ... the original Warcraft !! At least I think it is Warcraft. I don't recognize the bit around the game window though?
edit: ah right, a screencast, I see now :)
Post edited September 21, 2015 by Matewis
Tarnicus: That was my first thought seeing that photo! I've caused myself enough neck and back issues from using a monitor that wasn't at an optimal angle for extended sitting.

Edit: I forgot to add a photo of my gaming "side table" that is imperative to playing.
Crewdroog: <3 <3

That actually reminded me that when I placed the bowl on the desk to look cool, Taco immediately thought it was hers and hopped on my lap. She is normally nearby when I play too. :)
Gorgeous kitty you have there :) Ranga has only just begun to make my home his home, which means taking other cat's resting spots. Coca hasn't been too impressed by the 2 cats and 2 kittens from next door who have been making our place their home. The little buggers woke me up at 3am racing up and down the hallway. Ah I knew there was a point in this rambling - Ranga seems to like baked beans and he kept trying to lick the can (pictured on my desk photo).

I've swapped my side table to a slightly larger more talkative model.
leviathan.jpg (406 Kb)
astropup: Meh... As the guy above said: "nothing special". :)
Matewis: I spy with my little eye ... the original Warcraft !! At least I think it is Warcraft. I don't recognize the bit around the game window though?
edit: ah right, a screencast, I see now :)
I wish. :) It's not available digitally and CD edition is hard to get hold of outhere. We had a rampant piracy in the 90s. You can't find the old game CDs in the thrift stores or auctions. Only legal option is ordering from the foreign auction sites and that can be too costly.
Crewdroog: great book collection: guns, germs and steel is great, I love Brian Greene and I'm reading through Dawkin's The God Delusion now. :)
DubConqueror: To quote the priestess of Tempus Branwen: "Thank you for your kind words" (and I wish I knew more women liking those kinds of books - more men might be welcome too).
Yeah, I don't know many people (guys or gals) who are into reading non-fiction like this. When I do see someone who does enjoy it, I always make sure to wave furiously and say hello ;)

Crewdroog: <3 <3

That actually reminded me that when I placed the bowl on the desk to look cool, Taco immediately thought it was hers and hopped on my lap. She is normally nearby when I play too. :)
Tarnicus: Gorgeous kitty you have there :) Ranga has only just begun to make my home his home, which means taking other cat's resting spots. Coca hasn't been too impressed by the 2 cats and 2 kittens from next door who have been making our place their home. The little buggers woke me up at 3am racing up and down the hallway. Ah I knew there was a point in this rambling - Ranga seems to like baked beans and he kept trying to lick the can (pictured on my desk photo).

I've swapped my side table to a slightly larger more talkative model.
thanks, Taco appreciates the complement. She is my little bunny. And I hear you on cats getting into everything, if I'm not watching, taco will eat/drink anything I have lying around, including hair ties. :(

Once, I made a bowl of really spicy ramen. She came poking her head trying to get a taste, and I said, go ahead, see how much you like the spice. She did like it! Sigh, crazy ass cat. Be careful with the baked beans though, don't want any messes ;)
Post edited September 22, 2015 by Crewdroog
People and Peoplettes!

My gaming station!
DubConqueror: What's way more exciting than your gaming laptop is that book your reading:

Jared Diamond's Collapse is one of the best books I've read this decade. I truly recommend another book of his as well, if you haven't read it already: Guns, germs and steel explains perfectly how the West's dominance over the world is not due to any inherent superiority on our part but due to a geographical stroke of luck.
Oh yes, it's been a stellar read thus far, and I definitely want to move onto Guns, Germs and Steel once I finish it. Well, I have another book here I'd probably want to finish first, because I own it and it's been lying on my bedstand for what feels like ages : The Road to Reality, by Roger Penrose. I've only read the introduction part of the book, and it is definitely thought provoking, about how a violent volcanic eruption in ancient times could've changed a person's view of how the universe works, or at least how everything fits together. I thought it was pretty cool. It's either that or Jagged Alliance 2 :) (perhaps both)

I don't recognize your game though, which means it's probably Baldur's Gate 2 right? That's the only infinity engine game I haven't either finished or gotten very far in
Post edited September 22, 2015 by Matewis
Matewis: I spy with my little eye ... the original Warcraft !! At least I think it is Warcraft. I don't recognize the bit around the game window though?
edit: ah right, a screencast, I see now :)
astropup: I wish. :) It's not available digitally and CD edition is hard to get hold of outhere. We had a rampant piracy in the 90s. You can't find the old game CDs in the thrift stores or auctions. Only legal option is ordering from the foreign auction sites and that can be too costly.
I'd like to say that it's worth the effort to get your hands on a physical copy, but I can't in good conscience. At least not without disclosing that warcraft 1 is one of those games where for me the nostalgia factor is absolutely monolithic. I only wish I had known that it was possible to drag select up to 4 units though, if you press and held shift or something. Then I wouldn't have had to reduce game speed to the slowest each time I sent out a large attack wave, which I thought had to be done one unit at a time (like Dune 2) :P