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foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
1, i'm jealous, that's a nice set up :)
2. If i had my way, I would have a desktop, but they be expensive, arrrgh
3. Ignore the haters about the plastic covering, I still have mine on a lot of things. Must stay shiny!!! :)
Tallima: Holiday Inn Express?
HereForTheBeer: Ummm, yes! The furniture looks familiar?

But not anymore. Here's the new gaming station, in Kansas.
The lamp is classic Holiday Inn Express. I stay at HIEs for work a lot (weekly right now). My Baldur's Gate II set-up is like yours! I play one night a week for work. But that's about to change, it looks like. They're finally filing the spot that I've been covering for since April. I'm just 9,000 points away from Spire Elite. Hoping I make it That'll add to our vacation this year.

I have an old Dell laptop with the 4:3 screen, 1024x768 native display, but I play on 600x800 b/c the graphics don't do so well.

I have my Myth I disc in the drive, Quest for Glory 1-5, and BG2 on it, but I mostly just play BG2.

Working for a few weeks in a row is unbelievable. I feel for you. I'm gone 2 or 3 nights max, and that kills me. I miss the kids and wife like crazy and they miss me. It's nice when it's just one night b/c it's a nice night away, but 2 nights is where it gets hard.

Anyhoots, I hope it all works out for you! Enjoy the all-starch breakfast!
Post edited September 23, 2015 by Tallima
DubConqueror: No tidying up? Well alright. I did open my favourite game though, with my character just entering it's namesake's city (to hide the open porn tabs, you know). And added a picture of what's above my rig, to show there's more fun things in life than gaming.
Not really. :) But reading and increasing your level of knowledge is definitely important. After all, if ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? :)
Post edited September 23, 2015 by monkeydelarge
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
Crewdroog: 1, i'm jealous, that's a nice set up :)
2. If i had my way, I would have a desktop, but they be expensive, arrrgh
3. Ignore the haters about the plastic covering, I still have mine on a lot of things. Must stay shiny!!! :)
Thanks! Yes, plastic rulz! Well that and cheese :p
HereForTheBeer: Ummm, yes! The furniture looks familiar?

But not anymore. Here's the new gaming station, in Kansas.
Tallima: The lamp is classic Holiday Inn Express. I stay at HIEs for work a lot (weekly right now). My Baldur's Gate II set-up is like yours! I play one night a week for work. But that's about to change, it looks like. They're finally filing the spot that I've been covering for since April. I'm just 9,000 points away from Spire Elite. Hoping I make it That'll add to our vacation this year.

I have an old Dell laptop with the 4:3 screen, 1024x768 native display, but I play on 600x800 b/c the graphics don't do so well.

I have my Myth I disc in the drive, Quest for Glory 1-5, and BG2 on it, but I mostly just play BG2.

Working for a few weeks in a row is unbelievable. I feel for you. I'm gone 2 or 3 nights max, and that kills me. I miss the kids and wife like crazy and they miss me. It's nice when it's just one night b/c it's a nice night away, but 2 nights is where it gets hard.

Anyhoots, I hope it all works out for you! Enjoy the all-starch breakfast!
I don't stay at HIE too often - used to all the time but they got expensive several years back. But I'm gold and platinum for 4 different chains right now. Kind of a dubious honor. "Congratulations! You travel too much!" FWIW, this is a Super8. At $58 a night, it's good enough for me.

Been getting a new machine maybe every 4-5 years, and this one is at 4 years and a couple months. Buy it powerful enough to play the new mid-range releases, and then it will handle most any gOg I pick up. This one currently does a nice job with Stalker and both gOg FarCry games, which are probably the most graphically demanding titles played on it. Er, haven't tried ArmA 3 since it likely won't handle that one well, even turned way down.

2 weeks gets old, but that's pretty rare nowadays. Back when I was with the OEM, it would be two weeks out, weekend home, another week or two out. A couple years it was approaching 75% on the road, back when we were short-handed and service was booming. I don't miss those days. ; )

But thank goodness for game-playing laptops - helps keep me sane(ish) on the road. 17 inches and a roller bag are plenty portable. Used to bring the joystick and headphones along, too.
foxworks: Thanks! Yes, plastic rulz! Well that and cheese :p
I'm not entirely sure I would cover my monitors with cheese. And for once Snowkat might agree with me.
foxworks: Thanks! Yes, plastic rulz! Well that and cheese :p
Maighstir: I'm not entirely sure I would cover my monitors with cheese. And for once Snowkat might agree with me.
I miss snowkatt :(
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
IMHO, gaming laptops are not an upgrade. I had one for a little while. They are far more expensive, break far sooner, far slower/less powerful, and so danged big they're not very powerful.

I'll never do it again. And I like to play at my house. When I'm out, I like to be out.

Oh, and the plastic wrap -- I like to keep it on for a year or two and then take it off. It's like getting a new monitor/whatever-else-has-the-plastic-wrap-on.
Tallima: Holiday Inn Express?
HereForTheBeer: Ummm, yes! The furniture looks familiar?

But not anymore. Here's the new gaming station, in Kansas.
Clean, tidy. I like that ;)
_Slaugh_: Here are my gaming stations...
Damn talk about minimalistic setups. Lovely!
BTW I can't have a glass table like yours anymore, man. Got tired of doing this with that old doggie of mine :P
Post edited September 24, 2015 by vicklemos
HereForTheBeer: Ummm, yes! The furniture looks familiar?

But not anymore. Here's the new gaming station, in Kansas.
vicklemos: Clean, tidy. I like that ;)
I'll post the home setup when I finally get back to the house. Its messiness is a counterpoint to my hotel existence.
vicklemos: Clean, tidy. I like that ;)
HereForTheBeer: I'll post the home setup when I finally get back to the house. Its messiness is a counterpoint to my hotel existence.
Oh, that's why it's so tidy, then :P
Yep, jumping from hotel to hotel must suck, pal. Especially regarding family and friends. Since I don't have many friends, I feel I just couldn't do it now, since I my kids (yep, twins) who are almost two years old would miss me so much. Same goes for my wife. And I'd miss 'em so much, too. Sorry if I'm messing up with some feeling but hey, we gotta be empathetic sometimes, a characteristic so absent these days.

Just saw your statement above and it's both amazing and sad-ish (very ish, no worries :P) at the same time.
But trust me: many wish to live like that, it's in no way an ailment for the soul, on the contrary.
But maybe living like that for a little period only. We all gotta keep our roots on the ground! :P
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
Tallima: IMHO, gaming laptops are not an upgrade. I had one for a little while. They are far more expensive, break far sooner, far slower/less powerful, and so danged big they're not very powerful.

I'll never do it again. And I like to play at my house. When I'm out, I like to be out.

Oh, and the plastic wrap -- I like to keep it on for a year or two and then take it off. It's like getting a new monitor/whatever-else-has-the-plastic-wrap-on.
Yes, quite right. Upgrade wasn't quite what I was reaching for when I wrote that. More like "transition". It seems everything is moving towards mobility, but gaming laptops still have a ways to go.

I'm glad to see there are more out there that recognize the benefits of keeping the plastic :)
vicklemos: BTW I can't have a glass table like yours anymore, man. Got tired of doing this with that old doggie of mine :P
So cruel!  :-p
Maighstir: I'm not entirely sure I would cover my monitors with cheese. And for once Snowkat might agree with me.
Crewdroog: I miss snowkatt :(
1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

2. Familiarity breeds contempt.

3. Please do NOT enter the bear cage. The bears are very dangerous.

Now, which one of these statements is not like the other two?
Nothing special just a basic setup.
mypc.jpg (237 Kb)