Aelius28: That's not the point.
Why can Russians - who, on account of the ruble's dire straights, I believe at this point have unofficially reverted to their former currency: vodka and threats - buy games on GOG using the Ruble and yet Canadians can't even use the CAD?
It's not even about the 1.75% fee; it's just insulting.
OK, but...
a) Your initial post was about the price difference, which is mostly caused by Steam's regional pricing and
not by the conversion fees due to GOG not accepting CAD. In fact in your
first post that 67.24 CAD didn't factor the conversion fees at all, only later did you
include it and came up with nearly 71 CAD.
So, putting aside whether GOG should accept rubles, you do see that the main reason for price difference has nothing to do with GOG accepting CAD? Even if GOG did accept it, they'd be using the exchange rate to calculate the CAD price, and you'll still be finding it more expensive here.
b) When the dollar was weak few years ago, nobody was "strongly considering getting the game on Steam just out of principle". For some strange reason, back then people didn't mind being "insulted" with lack of CAD payment if it meant they could get the game here at the exchange rate
and pay the exchange fees thus escaping Steam's regional pricing. Now when the USD got stronger, all of a sudden we get this kind of threads few once a week from Canadians who claim it's the principle of the thing. Weird, how all of a sudden they've become more principled, huh?