WinterSnowfall: It's strange to see someone call out people for pushing an agenda, not being impartial and all that (even if it is justified), and then in the very next sentence to go full out and commit to a decisive statement doing the exact same thing.
I probably should have been a little less decisive yes, but in a general sense, there isn't. Clients or gaming clients are not inherently bad... some may have bad designs or include un-needed features, but there is nothing inherently bad about them and no two clients are made the same. One could argue there are specific reasons a specific client may be bad, but to make wide sweeping generalization's about them is inaccurate.
nightcraw1er.488 makes blanket statements like "game clients are cancer" because he personally dislikes them... it's an argument based on feelings not facts. Which is generally fine, but does not actually help users looking for help. It's misguided and helps nobody, it does serve a personal agenda though. The OP is no better off from this comment.
WinterSnowfall: If you can't think of anything wrong with game clients, nothing "at all", let me refresh your memory about Galaxy in particular: I personally don't have a problem with any of that... some may, but it's pretty common for any software to collect data like this for marketing and/or technical feedback. To each their own. If the argument was I personally think using Galaxy may be bad because xyz, but I'm not telling you what to do... then okay.
That's not the argument though, the argument is "gaming clients are cancer" your an idiot for using it because I say so, which is non helpful.
WinterSnowfall: This entire argument is completely beside the point of this thread (which IMHO has no point anyway). OP is either throwing a fit or has eaten some bad psychedelic mushrooms.
Correct and I really don't care who likes or dislikes Galaxy. The issue for me was never about disliking or liking Galaxy, rather the information that is being provided to users who are seeking legitimate help.