Breja: Does it have to be about "offensive" imagery? Can't the OP just be tired of marketing material about games he has no interest in?
Braggadar: Prepare for a slew of complaint threads from me then the moment GOG sends me newsletters for game types I have no interest in.
I had no idea the OP made a "slew" of complaint threads. I guess I missed the other ones.
But if you were to make one, I certainly wouldn't start insulting you because of it and making assumptions about you being a puritan a deviant or three kobolds in a trenchcoat.
Braggadar: It's a damn
newsletter. It's going to have games in there I don't like. Do you know what I do? I read it, shrug my shoulders, and delete the email.
Good for you. I'm not saying you're supposed to agree with the OP. I'm just saying I'm sick and tired villifying people who voice any complaint regarding the porn games. In general, I'm sick and tired of using any disagreement as a blank canvass onto which angry assumptions are projected because everything has to be take to extremes and everyone we disagree with on something must be burdened with everything we find disagreeable in general.
It's possible to find complaints about porn games excessive or unreasonable without assuming the people complaining are all the same puritans afraid of nudity etc.
Braggadar: Furthermore the OP has revealed the reason why they didn't like these games,
No, he hasn't. You "perhapsing" things because he called a spade a spade is not the OP revealing anything.