Breja: The only thing that, at least in concept if not execution, works well for the saga as a whole is how Palpatine manipulates everyone and engineers a civil war to take over and become emperor.
I loved this as well. I thought having the "bad guy" being on BOTH sides of the conflict was just flat out brilliant. Even more so when Dooku reveals the entire plan to Obi-wan (and Padme later questions if they're fighting for an idea / Republic that no longer exists).
As far as the Vader thing - I HATED The Force being reduced to blood bugs and I didn't like the Space Jesus aspect. Seeing child / teen Vader didn't bother me so much (and I don't possess the total hatred of the angsty Anakin character that most do - certain aspects I like).
To this day, one of the events I'm most conflicted about in Star Wars was the unmasking of Vader at the end of Jedi. He had been this indominable, evil monster of a villain... and at the of the day he's just a frail old dying man in a black suit. It's a fantastic moment in film that sort of shook my young Star Wars world LOL.
As far as my favorites:
Jedi, A New Hope, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Menace. On any given day I might flip flop Clones and Sith, mostly because I felt the start of Clones. Actually on any given day I might even bump A New Hope above Jedi, or even push it below the Clones / Sith. I'm a bit ADD with my Star Wars rankings. I probably like the characters as they're originally presented in A New Hope far better than anything else (Obi-wan, Solo, Tarkin, Vader, Leia are all fantastic) but I do like the large naval battles in Jedi.
Empire isn't my "favorite" because it is undeniably, unquestionably simply "the best" - so it can't be subjected to my "opinion." Anyone who disagrees is simply wrong, and no opinion you have RE: Star Wars is valid ;)
I'm still not sure where I put the new movies. The Force Awakens felt almost like the first few new Star Trek movies - sci-fi with a Star Wars theme slapped on them. Though I sort of HATE The Phantom Menace, it "felt" like Star Wars to me. I'm not sure if Awakens does or not. I haven't "digested" Rogue One enough yet. I felt like the characters were fairly weak but I enjoyed the setpiece battles. I'll echo what many have said here though - Tarkin was perfect. I would have liked to have seen more of Galen, but had the movie "trimmed" a little bit more overall.
I REALLY liked the bounty hunter in the rebel cell on Jedha (he seems like the main guy's lieutenant) - I feel like I've seen him before (or another character on which he was modelled?). The alien looking guy with the embedded eye pieces and face mask. That species / design has appeared before yes? I'm not just imagining this?