The burden of proof is on you.
Breja: Yes, reinforce and explain in a measurable way, detectable with scientifiv instruments.
Yes, life forms in cells can be detected. So...?
Breja: What Yoda is talking about isn't like that at all.
Yoda doesn't talk about that at all.
Breja: I don't think I'm the one who needs to do that. You're the only one getting everything wrong :D
Because you say so? It doesn't work that way. You have yet to provide any valid argument.
Breja: No, they are a measurable, scientificaly provable explanation of the Force and how it works.
Midi-chlorians are not the Force, they are not an explanation of the Force (watch A New Hope for that) nor do they explain the Force. They are the biological means through which a living being is able to connect with the Force. It's why a plant is connected to the Force while a rock isn't. Han doesn't believe in the Force, yet he's connected to it wether he likes it or not. Why do you think that is? Because of midi-chlorians, which is a requirement for life to exist.