Posted May 25, 2021
One mechanic that is *very* common in RPGs (and has appeared in other genres) is that, after winning a battle or completing an objective, you earn points of some sort, often of multiple types. For example, in Final Fantasy 5, you get experience points (permanently increases your level when you get enough, which also gives you more HP and MP), gil (can be exchanged for items in shops, be spent at the inn, or even be used for a certain Samurai ability), and ability points (gives you job levels, which give you abilities that you can equip even after you change jobs).
Do you consider this to be a good mechanic in general, or do you think RPGs should move away from this mechanic? Also, how many types of points should there be? Is 2 (the most common number) good, or do you think the more the better? (Victory! You just gained 32 XP, 28 GP, 19 AP, 37 QP, 129 TP, 43 RP, and 1298 ZP!) Or, perhaps 1 is enough, or maybe games shouldn't have any?
Do you consider this to be a good mechanic in general, or do you think RPGs should move away from this mechanic? Also, how many types of points should there be? Is 2 (the most common number) good, or do you think the more the better? (Victory! You just gained 32 XP, 28 GP, 19 AP, 37 QP, 129 TP, 43 RP, and 1298 ZP!) Or, perhaps 1 is enough, or maybe games shouldn't have any?