mistermumbles: Seriously, no mention of RollerCoaster Tycoon or Theme Park yet? BOOOO!!! =P That said, I wouldn't know what would be a good age for either of those. Though looking through my owned games I suspect even the less complex ones are usually probably better if one's kids are closer to the age of 10 or so. Hm.
So here goes:
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Theme Park
Little Big Adventure
Ghost Master
Mutant Mudds
Pandemonium 1 & 2
Giana Sisters
Pinball Gold Pack (pinball games in general seem to be fairly kid friendly)
The Adventures of Shuggy
Triple Town
Steamworld Dig
Stick it to the Man!
Dustforce DX
Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe
Wacky Wheels (highly recommended especially as it comes with a fun split screen mode)
Aqua Kitty
Superfrog / HD
Rayman 1 - 3
Yeah, platformers definitely seem to be the easiest to recommend.
Thanks for that list! I'll be adding those to the gogmix and master list in the coming days. Kids ages and what they can do is highly variable, but on the whole RCT and Theme Park might go down well if played together with an adult from about 5 y.o. I think, depending on the kid's interests, and then to play by themselves yeah maybe closer to the 9-10 y.o. mark.
I think around 6-8 kids can start to develop the hand-eye coordination an motor skills to play basic platformers, though easy ones are probably a better fit for this younger range. Although I do sometimes have my 6-year old try to play original Mega Man games to help him develop patience, failure-tolerance, and growth-mindset.
Crispy78: Lots about games already, so it's trials and tribulations from me...
On Saturday night, we checked on my eldest son as we went to bed and found him asleep in a huge puddle of congealed vomit. We got him up and bathed him, stripped everything vomity off his bed, and put him back to bed in the spare room. He did it again in the spare room. We got him up and bathed him (again), stripped everything vomity (less stuff this time) off the bed, and got him back to bed in the spare room again - bed was clean enough to be re-used. Then our youngest son puked in his bed... Think we were up till about 1am.
On Sunday, we largely did laundry. Bed sheets, duvets, pillows, soft toys... I think 6 or 7 loads in the end.
On Sunday night, our youngest son came into our bed - and puked in it. We stripped and re-made the bed, and got him cleaned up. He did it again. Needed a full bath this time, as he had it all in his hair. We were up till 2am.
Last night, our youngest did it again in his bed. Huge stomach-full, all over himself.
I have forlorn hopes that tonight is going to be a vomit-free night.
Ugh, so sorry to hear about your vomitous weekend. I do hope your kids are OK and feel better soon. We had something similar a few months back only it was coming out the other end...
There's a coin laundry not too far from us and that definitely helped with those giant laundry loads. I'm not sure if that would be an option in your situation?