nightcraw1er.488: Its like I always say on these types of questions. Its all about personal effort. If You put the effort in, download games and patches and such like manually, save them, catalog and archive them, then You are in control. This is the key point about drm free, it gives You the control. If you then go down the route of laziness, letting clientware do your things for you then You are rescinding control and hence have very little come back. They will do what they want with your product, saves, personal info etc. Do it yourself, always the best option.
It's not laziness, it's convenience. Today's gamer doesn't want to manually download, patch, archive, and burn discs because they see no tangible benefit from the time they waste doing it. The world has moved on and your boxes of carefully hand-labelled silver discs are an anachronism, and your reasons for hanging on to them just sound like empty paranoia.