Vythonaut: A simple concept, yes, but one no sensible store owner would want to implement.
InSaintMonoxide: Well, steam does have that option. If i remember correctly they even let you mark entire genres as "not interested".
Interesting. I don't use any other service so i don't know what's going on there or elsewhere to be honest. But... [see next reply please].
Vythonaut: A simple concept, yes, but one no sensible store owner would want to implement.
ZFR: Any sensible store owner would want to implement. Why show a customer stuff he'd never buy because he already has it at home when the same space on the page could be used to show stuff he could be willing to buy?
From a customer perspective, I'm not opposed to that "Block" feature at all and i'd make heavy use of it, mind you. And you have a good point on "use that space to show stuff one is more willing to buy", but i think
impulse buying & re-buying are a real thing and maybe a store owner would like to take advantage of them. Of course, whether or not this is a customer friendly practice can be debatable.
Having said that, i don't see any feature like that coming soon; they didn't even implement a price ascending / descending filter yet!