GreasyDogMeat: Well, looks like I'll be passing up on Cyberpunk 2077 then.
BTW I asked why you brought her up as I hadn't heard this news... so... thanks!
falster: it was probably the way you asked....
but yes, its true, however, I don't necessarily see it as something that would happen, it was actually very cringey how it was done, and if Mass effect and Anthem are anything to go by,its blatantly obvious that no one in their right mind would take her seriously with this.
EVERYONE knows, she knows nothing about games, and uses that as a cover to push her agenda. shes one of those people who just wants to be right, and everyone else be wrong.
I "like" how she seemingly has no problem with hunky men/etc in games yet is mad about sexy women in games.
Also she seems to belittle those who like sexy women as if that's a bad thing.