rtcvb32: I watched the video in passing the other day, and I do admit I didn't look to verify the birth rates presented (
mostly didn't occur to me to verify those numbers perhaps it's old data; In the Netherlands just last week they are urging them to have 5 babies instead of 3).
Regardless if it's by birthing, or purely immigration I have little doubt it will still happen. At least as long as they are open borders friendly like Merkel, and doing everything they can not to criticize, arrest or otherwise hinder them in any way.
The video you linked is from 2009, so yes, it purports to be "old data", but the point is, it was absolutely false for the time it came out as well, as the response I linked is from 2009 as well, and shows it to be false. It is just as false today, as PaterAlf linked.
This is what I meant about enclosed, self-perpetuating bubbles. It doesn't matter what the data says, there is already an opinion formed, and that must be so, and any data that contradicts it must be ignored. This is how sensationalist news/conspiracy organisations work and exploit.
Anyhow, you say that due to immigration/birthrates, Germany will become an Islamic country by 2050. Whether you mean demographic-wise, religion-wise, whatever, I'm pretty sure that's absurd. So...how about a wager? If it so happens, on the 1st of March 2050, I'll give you today's equivalent of $500. If it doesn't happen, I get from you, today's equivalent of $500.
I already got $50 when the world didn't end in December 2012, so I figure this would be nice as well.