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Vainamoinen: snip
More than just that statement occurred. Just look at Team17 and Playtonic twitter accounts.

Edit: Not their official twitter accounts, the employee twitter accounts...
Post edited March 26, 2017 by Pupcakes
low rated
Pupcakes: More than just that statement occurred. Just look at Team17 and Playtonic twitter accounts.
I look at Playtronic's twitter account, replies included: Zero mentions of JonTron.
I look at Team17's twitter account, replies included: I find nothing besides some backer whiners who are treated with the utmost respect by Team17.
Fine, I'll bite.

Vainamoinen: They're letting the guy off the hook pretty easily. Personally, I would have claimed reputation damages and revoked JT's paycheck for the shit he's pulled. Instead, they're suffering additional costs to substitute voice acting.
Was Jon paid? Source? Proof of damages would be needed too.

Vainamoinen: It's pretty absurd to point at Playtronic now going "their political view, their political view". Their political view is that JohnTron repeatedly verbally vomited a lot of utterly racist crap and absurd white supremacist conspiracy theories to people over two hours, and that they don't want the guy in their game any more. Anything wrong with that? I really don't think so. The relevance, of course, lies with JonTron's political views. Not Playtronic's. And no amount of unhingedly desperate finger pointing will change that.
Yeah yeah. Playtonic totally didn't make a political stance, they only decided to make a statement on something that had absolutely nothing to do with their game and no honest person believes that they were connected. By the way it's not "Playtronic." If you want to get hung up on semantics, why can't you spell the company's name correctly? Do you care about the game/developers or are you just here to virtue signal?

Vainamoinen: And stop pointing at the whiners in the Kickstarter comments as well. If that was my game, no one, absolutely no one would get to dictate I leave traces of that guy in my own game. I mean, how would that look.
I'm sorry, but this is what we call biting the hand that feeds you. You don't sit there with your hand out, and then expect people to be okay with you when you use the product as a political platform. Very stupid move, as proof by this whole debacle.

Vainamoinen: "Hey, yo, black people, he may have insinuated you're born criminals for two hours and didn't even revoke his racist remarks in his apology that wasn't an apology, but here's JonTron speaking rubbish in our game for you".

"Yo, people of color in the US, this guy may have said you're not to be considered American, just like your children, and very falsely stated that none of you folks built the country he's living in but, hear ye, his voice is pretty funny!"

"Hey everyone, we're celebrating diversity with this game, so just ignore for a few hours that one of our voice actors thinks there's no discrimination
Stop pretending like Jon having 1 or 2 lines in the game automatically made the entire game about advocating white supremacy.

Guess what? Walt Disney was a racist, hope you never buy anything Marvel, Star Wars or Disney otherwise you're supporting racism and also being hypocritical, because a racist's name is on EVERYTHING of theirs! If you want to go down this route of ridiculousness I can guarantee you'll never purchase another product again in your life.

Edit: Oh yeah, Disney games are on GOG. How does that make you feel? Are you writing your letters into GOG as we speak to have that white supremacist agenda wiped from the website? I guess you should stop using GOG until then because they're affiliated with white supremacy going by your logic.

Edit 2: disclaimer, my previous edit is sarcasm. Obviously GOG isn't guilty by association, though since some users here actually believe in such fallacies I felt the need to add this in.
Post edited March 26, 2017 by Pupcakes
We need a politics thread. Where things like this can be discussed. There is no other way. There are 3 or 4 posts at most discussing the JonTron topic in the last 3 pages.
Shadowstalker16: We need a politics thread.
And yet when there is one, it gets locked and shut down. And being somewhat relevant/related (as left/SJW/politics/other seem a bit intertwined on current events) I wouldn't have minded if discussions were moved to my Infowars thread...

Oh right, someone complained and it got shut down... Guess more threads will just keep cropping up or politics will eventually get everywhere.

Just going to say: Not my fault...
Shadowstalker16: We need a politics thread. Where things like this can be discussed. There is no other way.
Or maybe you could visit a political forum, if you want to discuss this kind of stuff.
One comment mocking the company's decision said it quite well: "We support diversity as long as you don't diverge from our support of diversity."

Playtonic just did a dumbass move and I say this not just because of my pro-nationalist and seemingly "far right" viewpoints but because it is simply censorship of ideas and thought. I will admit that I normally do not watch JonTron (or however his nickname is typed) but I bet if he had made pro-Marxist, pro-globalist, and pro-mass immigration comments and mindlessly threw around the term "white supremacist" and "neo-Nazi" at his opponents, that company would not have even given a minor shit about it.

The video game industry is getting infested with virtue-signaling, politically correct bullshit. They are simply pandering to a bunch of "let's all hold hands and be friends" types who would suggest that the western world should bow down to Islamists and other third world degenerates in order to avoid being called names like "racist." They are also hypocrites since not only do they end up supporting blatant sexist and anti-homosexual bigots like the Islamists but they also support international interests like the big banks who want to turn us into interchangeable economic units by destroying culture, ethnicity, heritage, and anything related to individualism.
Post edited March 26, 2017 by infinite9
Shadowstalker16: We need a politics thread. Where things like this can be discussed. There is no other way.
PaterAlf: Or maybe you could visit a political forum, if you want to discuss this kind of stuff.
I'm pretty sure all I want is proper enforcement of rules. Politics discussion hasn't been banned (not that anyone seems to care) so why not have a thread for it all on its own?
Shadowstalker16: We need a politics thread.
rtcvb32: And yet when there is one, it gets locked and shut down. And being somewhat relevant/related (as left/SJW/politics/other seem a bit intertwined on current events) I wouldn't have minded if discussions were moved to my Infowars thread...

Oh right, someone complained and it got shut down... Guess more threads will just keep cropping up or politics will eventually get everywhere.

Just going to say: Not my fault...
Infowars thread was closed?
Post edited March 26, 2017 by Shadowstalker16
infinite9: One comment mocking the company's decision said it quite well: "We support diversity as long as you don't diverge from our support of diversity."

Playtonic just did a dumbass move and I say this not just because of my pro-nationalist and seemingly "far right" viewpoints but because it is simply censorship of ideas and thought. I will admit that I normally do not watch JonTron (or however his nickname is typed) but I bet if he had made pro-Marxist, pro-globalist, and pro-mass immigration comments and mindlessly threw around the term "white supremacist" and "neo-Nazi" at his opponents, that company would not have even given a minor shit about it.

The video game industry is getting infested with virtue-signaling, politically correct bullshit. They are simply pandering to a bunch of "let's all hold hands and be friends" types who would suggest that the western world should bow down to Islamists and other third world degenerates in order to avoid being called names like "racist." They are also hypocrites since not only do they end up supporting blatant sexist and anti-homosexual bigots like the Islamists but they also support international interests like the big banks who want to turn us into interchangeable economic units but destroying culture, ethnicity, heritage, and anything related to individualism.
You just made me feel a bit better.
low rated
Shadowstalker16: Infowars thread was closed?
Yep, happened just yesterday morning i think it was...
Shadowstalker16: I'm pretty sure all I want is proper enforcement of rules. Politics discussion hasn't been banned (not that anyone seems to care) so why not have a thread for it all on its own?
Because it's a subject that people have very strong feelings about. Almost every political discussion on this board became toxic and ugly in no time. And it also attracted a lot of trolls. In my eyes the fall of GOG's forum as a quality community had very much to do with the raise of political threads.
PaterAlf: In my eyes the fall of GOG's forum as a quality community had very much to do with the raise of political threads.
I am not so sure. It's a very hectic time. I'm happy to talk rather civilly about politics, although I don't care that much about them to begin with (I'm not for either side). Too much personal emotion or investment can make things toxic in the 'you're wrong and I'm right' attitude like children berating other children on if it's better to have blue or green uniforms for when they play marbles or something.

Discussion and debate are important. Shutting them down to keep the forum less toxic may or may not do anything at all. Although... there might be better platforms than GoG's forums.

Maybe a whole new section needs to be added for political discussion, rather than here in general? I wouldn't object to that, and only those looking for anything political will go there, while if someone starts it here the thread just gets moved by the staff if and when it happens.

Although those that skirt the line on the in-between could have a mirrored thread where all political talk is over there and non-political talk is over here. Although I've heard 'politics is in everything' so that may or may not work.
rtcvb32: Maybe a whole new section needs to be added for political discussion, rather than here in general? I wouldn't object to that, and only those looking for anything political will go there, while if someone starts it here the thread just gets moved by the staff if and when it happens.

Although those that skirt the line on the in-between could have a mirrored thread where all political talk is over there and non-political talk is over here. Although I've heard 'politics is in everything' so that may or may not work.
This is not going to happen. GOG is a global company that wants to sell their products to customers worldwide. Now look at some comments in this thread. Why would GOG allow a subforum in which people can insult a part of their customers base (For example as "violent, terrorist, warmongering, oppressive, genital mutilating, pedoohiliac, satanic-worshiping hate cult of non-human parasites" like seen in this post)?

You said it yourself: If you want to discuss politics there are better platforms than GOG's forum.
low rated
rtcvb32: Maybe a whole new section needs to be added for political discussion, rather than here in general? I wouldn't object to that, and only those looking for anything political will go there, while if someone starts it here the thread just gets moved by the staff if and when it happens.

Although those that skirt the line on the in-between could have a mirrored thread where all political talk is over there and non-political talk is over here. Although I've heard 'politics is in everything' so that may or may not work.
PaterAlf: This is not going to happen. GOG is a global company that wants to sell their products to customers worldwide. Now look at some comments in this thread. Why would GOG allow a subforum in which people can insult a part of their customers base (For example as "violent, terrorist, warmongering, oppressive, genital mutilating, pedoohiliac, satanic-worshiping hate cult of non-human parasites" like seen in this post)?

You said it yourself: If you want to discuss politics there are better platforms than GOG's forum.
Why get all worked up about it? They're jackasses and are easily discredited.
PaterAlf: Why would GOG allow a subforum in which people can insult a part of their customers base (For example as "violent, terrorist, warmongering, oppressive, genital mutilating, pedoohiliac, satanic-worshiping hate cult of non-human parasites" like seen in this post)?

You said it yourself: If you want to discuss politics there are better platforms than GOG's forum.
Let's pull the quote up shall we?

MajicMan: islam has not been radicalized. islam is what islam has always been - a violent, terrorist, warmongering, oppressive, genital mutilating, pedophiliac, satanic-worshiping hate cult of non-human parasites.
I have to agree with nearly all of the statement.

Nearly ALL terrorist attacks are from radicalized muslims; Even when they aren't they attack reporters and non-muslims and cover their faces.

They ARE oppressive, ESPECIALLY to women.

They DO genital mutilation especially to women, they also cut off your hand for stealing, and it's legal to behead their own wives for almost any reason at all.

A number of them ARE pedophiles as their koran texts encourages marrying as young as 9 yearolds, and having young boys as lovers (although being gay is punishable by death) and with regards to rape it was always the girl's fault. They also have something called 'the rape game'.

I'm not sure about them being satanic worshipers, but they are considered by many to be a cancer.

edit: Actually thinking about it in regards to satanic worshiping... There is a ritual done by ISIS on Turkish soldiers before killing that that would (according to their faith) prevent them from reincarnating and sending them to hell. So there's that... I guess that could be satanic.
Post edited March 26, 2017 by rtcvb32