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DreamedArtist: I got 2 doubles so I said fuck it, I have very bad luck when it comes to blind stuff
Wait, you didn't start a thread, throw some shit at some people on the street, start a fire, and say fuck everyone but especially GOG???

That's weird...
dirtyharry50: I don't know why anyone would complain after the fact when they knew exactly what they were doing, at least I hope they did.
GamingVeteran: The first "G" in GOG stands for "good".

And yet the Indie Pinata contains garbage like the universally panned "Randal's Monday".

Little bit of bait-and-switch there, if you ask me.
I thought GOG no longer stood for anything. Didn't they make that change a few years back?
DreamedArtist: I got 2 doubles so I said fuck it, I have very bad luck when it comes to blind stuff
You could probably get a refund for the second copy.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by omega64
Never look a Pinata in the mouth (mostly because someone's about to hit it with a large stick).
Yeah, i'd much prefer just a normal sale like Steam's sales. No random, no insomnia, no "buy a bunch of mixed games you may not like in a bundle just to get one or two you like", just an old fashioned normal sale. At least gog got it half right in this one.
dirtyharry50: I don't know why anyone would complain after the fact when they knew exactly what they were doing, at least I hope they did.
GamingVeteran: The first "G" in GOG stands for "good".

And yet the Indie Pinata contains garbage like the universally panned "Randal's Monday".

Little bit of bait-and-switch there, if you ask me.
I think you missed the memo some time ago. It used to mean Good Old Games. Then it was just changed to be GOG with no meaning at all. It was changed to no longer be Good Old Games. Just ask a blue. This is not Good Old Games anymore and has not been for quite a while now.

As for grab bag indies, well I have to say I consider the majority of them crap myself but to each their own. There are absolutely gems among them but you have to dig through a lot of dirt to find them. Well, not really. I just rely on player feedback to learn about the good ones that come along now and then.

I would expect the odds of a dud in a piñata for 3 bucks to be pretty good myself. While GOG does carry a lot of good games and lot of great classic games it isn't like they don't carry any I guess I will call them controversial? titles. I forget if it is here, I think it might be, but some people actually like Daikatana for whatever reasons. So there's no accounting for taste as the old saying goes.

I think what really defines what shows up on the store is the perceived potential sales and that does not always have a lot to do with quality. A lot of gamers here don't think much of Call of Duty games for example but they sell like hotcakes just as one example not that they are sold here.

There must be demand for that lemon you don't like or I doubt it would be here. There would be no point carrying something people don't want to buy even if their choice is difficult to understand.

Not to insult anyone, I'll direct to this to GOG I guess but I really think it is stupid to sell people games without them knowing what game it is. Maybe I am wrong and some people find tossing 3 bucks a whack at these fun, sort of like taking chances on a prize at a carnival or something. It doesn't bother me that they they did this because I just won't buy them but I do think it is stupid personally.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by dirtyharry50
DreamedArtist: I got 2 doubles so I said fuck it, I have very bad luck when it comes to blind stuff
budejovice: Wait, you didn't start a thread, throw some shit at some people on the street, start a fire, and say fuck everyone but especially GOG???

That's weird...
3 dollars I wont bitch about it but yeah blind stuff is meh with me now

I am kind of getting bored of games as of lately and trying to not purchase anything, Maybe just going through something where I need a break ? beats me so bought 2 to just kill time and got doubles lol
Maxvorstadt: Well, I stocked up my Red Bull resources because I hoped for an insomnia sale, now there`s a sale where it takes 3 days to change the games they are offering. Now I drank too much Red Bull and guess what? I didn`t know that one can run along the walls and ceiling of a room, if one has enuff Red Bull consumed. Amazing!!! :-)
Careful mate, don't you remember where that Austrian fellow wound up after a night of heavy drinking?
high rated
natronosaurus: Not only is the delivery anticlimactic, but I just "won" a $2 video game from a $3 pinata. I probably would have bought 5 of them if they were implemented in a better way. Live and learn.
That's the problem with gambling. Everyone wants to break even or profit, but when they take a loss the system is broken and unfair. :P
Maxvorstadt: Well, I stocked up my Red Bull resources because I hoped for an insomnia sale, now there`s a sale where it takes 3 days to change the games they are offering. Now I drank too much Red Bull and guess what? I didn`t know that one can run along the walls and ceiling of a room, if one has enuff Red Bull consumed. Amazing!!! :-)
Lemon_Curry: Careful mate, don't you remember where that Austrian fellow wound up after a night of heavy drinking?
Well, I did something, I drank a bottle of wine and a few little cowards, so I`m drunk now!
The only question is, where is Mista Dabolina?
Personally I ignore these kinds of things. I took a chance on one a while back and ended up with something that was just too "meh." Can't remember what it was, and I've certainly never played it.

But, as some have pointed out, you're not forced to take a chance, and at least they have other "legitimate" sales going. And you can convert your unwanted win into a gift, so.
DreamedArtist: 3 dollars I wont bitch about it but yeah blind stuff is meh with me now

I am kind of getting bored of games as of lately and trying to not purchase anything, Maybe just going through something where I need a break ? beats me so bought 2 to just kill time and got doubles lol
I think you can get a refund, and if not, maybe trade them , or give away [url=]here or here.
budejovice: Wait, you didn't start a thread, throw some shit at some people on the street, start a fire, and say fuck everyone but especially GOG???

That's weird...
DreamedArtist: 3 dollars I wont bitch about it but yeah blind stuff is meh with me now

I am kind of getting bored of games as of lately and trying to not purchase anything, Maybe just going through something where I need a break ? beats me so bought 2 to just kill time and got doubles lol
Hopefully it was clear I was commenting on others' comments (threats, insults, death wishes) that have been cropping up in the last few days and not your terribly calm original comment. :)
I prefer flash sales to this type.
Of course without these types of sales, there's no way you'd get some of the $25 and $30 games for $3 either. Yeah, some of the games, I wouldn't have bought for $3, but some of them were worth enough more than that to me that the deal was worth it. Granted I was fortunate I woke up early, jumped on a computer for a second and caught the sale before anything "sold out".

But that's part of this sale. There is a chance you "only" get a $9.99 game for $3 that you aren't all that interested in, but there is also the chance you get a game worth far more than that too.
hedwards: Of course it's exploitive, to some extent all sales are. The ones they've been running though are far worse than anything I've seen elsewhere. Expecting people to take off from work and not sleep for the Insomnia and time machine sales was ridiculous.

Sales like this depend upon the fact that people don't have infinite will power to trick them into buying games they might not otherwise be willing to spend money on.

As far as gambling goes I'm not sure that this is even legal. The pinatas are literally gambling. You might get what you paid, you might not and you might get more than you paid. It shouldn't be possible to wind up paying more for a game through the pinata than if you bought it outright.

Strictly speaking participating in this sale might well be a class C felony making it similar in punishment for possessing child pornography or torturing animals.
Navagon: You are joking, right? You have to be. I'm just going to operate on the assumption you are. Ha ha! Good one, hedwards! Had me going for a moment there...
I'd recommend reading up on neurophysiology because this is a very real problem. It takes very real work to avoid that and GOG doesn't compensate us for it. Neither do the myriad advertisers that use our attention without compensation.

It does get annoying that we can't have nice things because blue pillers can't fathom what's going on around them. These sales are cynical attempts to get people to buy things they wouldn't otherwise buy. And I personally find it to be disgusting that they expect us to sacrifice for the privilege of being allowed to give them money.

It's astonishingly arrogant.

Avogadro6: That's... that's not what he said. He said that (in some US state, I guess) online gambling is a criminal offense on par with storing cp.

And apparently, that's true. Holy prohibitionism Batman.
Navagon: No, he equated the piñata sale with child pornography. Don't fall for the careful wording. That's what he did.

He skewed the facts to support his argument. Heavily. Do you think any state would prosecute someone for buying a random game? If any US state punishes buying a random game the same way it punishes possession of child pornography then that sate needs to be kicked out the Union.
No, I didn't skew the facts apparently the OP skewed the facts and I acknowledge that the facts might not have been correct. Reread the OP and then tell me that's somehow different than gambling.

And BTW, the behavior that the OP described is a class C felony around here.

EDIT: And for the record, the fact that online gambling is considered the same thing as torturing animals and possessing child pornography is all sorts of fucked up. But, the law is the law at the present time.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by hedwards