Posted September 16, 2015

Registered: Jul 2009
From Netherlands

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

Registered: Feb 2012
From Sweden
Posted September 16, 2015
Eador: Masters of the Broken World
Legend of Grimrock
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
Eador: Masters of the Broken World
Legend of Grimrock
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora

Good News again?
Registered: Dec 2010
From Belgium
Posted September 16, 2015
Oulast / terraria / Jazzpunk
Arkslash Legacy
Republique or Lichdom are probably out of reach.
(pm: deponia III traded )
Or then any of the forgotten realms classic bundle , Anno 1503 or Anno 1701 would be valid alternatives
Oulast / terraria / Jazzpunk
Arkslash Legacy
Republique or Lichdom are probably out of reach.
(pm: deponia III traded )
Or then any of the forgotten realms classic bundle , Anno 1503 or Anno 1701 would be valid alternatives
Post edited September 16, 2015 by Phc7006

Registered: Feb 2014
From Italy
Posted September 16, 2015
Deponia III for Book of Unwritten Tales?

New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From Taiwan
Posted September 16, 2015
edit: traded!
Post edited September 20, 2015 by thatsok9

New User
Registered: May 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted September 16, 2015
Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Gold Edition
Deponia 3
Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Gold Edition
Deponia 3

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted September 16, 2015

Thats why its a little odd you are asking this to only me :D
Post edited September 16, 2015 by MarkoH01

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted September 16, 2015
check the screenshot of the purchases, i removed the order number with a red bar
and if you dont believe that: check shadowwarrior 2013 email preview screenshot
i guess you wonder x days ago and the pinata says 2 days? check the screenshot pinatapromo it says the comments 2 days ago but that should be longer.
well the pinata is running longer then 2 days :D
von helsing reads 5 days ago, and pinata reads 2 days? i dont know maybe a hickup?
Indie Piñata comes to
2 days ago - 521 comments
i hope that all suspicious minds are cleared now? :D
gamesfreak64: Besides more users seem to have some games converted to a giftcodes in eitther this promo/sales or in previous sales, i had not downloaded the games i clearly stated that, besides i assume they can check if a user downloads something, so i dont get it why someone would thing i have been favored :D
Thats why its a little odd you are asking this to only me :D
MarkoH01: Oh you totally misunderstood me. I never intended to critizize you. It was all about support treating one user worse than another. I read that several people were able to convert their pinata to gift codes. You were just the nearest example I found so quick and I found it unfair that support would not allow Exoanthrope to turn his Pinata into a gift code. So I asked you if I understood correct that you (among others) were able to do what Exoanthrope could not do or was told to be impossible (which I don't believe) so he could contact support and tell them "but other users were able to ... so please do this for me too or explain to me why you are treating me worse than other". You see? It was never to complain that you were favored - it was the other way: I complained that Exoanthrope was treated worse than many others. I just asked you to be sure that I understood correct. i am sorry but i am an honest man all my life if i would have done any dishonest thing or even cheat or steal, i would not be here :D
cause my mother would have whacked me, so trust me , eventhough i am not a holyman or a pope, you can be sure i will never pull any dirty stunts, steal, bribe or whatever.
so i am quite shocked by your reply so thats why the extra proof.
I am very appalled by these reactions, me pulling some illegal stuff, the very thought.
Always think twice before accusing or suspecting someone, i will never jump to conclusions.......
Next time i wont even reply, i am shocked by this, i would give my own food away..... and then to suspect me ....
and if you dont believe that: check shadowwarrior 2013 email preview screenshot
i guess you wonder x days ago and the pinata says 2 days? check the screenshot pinatapromo it says the comments 2 days ago but that should be longer.
well the pinata is running longer then 2 days :D
von helsing reads 5 days ago, and pinata reads 2 days? i dont know maybe a hickup?
Indie Piñata comes to
2 days ago - 521 comments
i hope that all suspicious minds are cleared now? :D

Thats why its a little odd you are asking this to only me :D

cause my mother would have whacked me, so trust me , eventhough i am not a holyman or a pope, you can be sure i will never pull any dirty stunts, steal, bribe or whatever.
so i am quite shocked by your reply so thats why the extra proof.
I am very appalled by these reactions, me pulling some illegal stuff, the very thought.
Always think twice before accusing or suspecting someone, i will never jump to conclusions.......
Next time i wont even reply, i am shocked by this, i would give my own food away..... and then to suspect me ....
Post edited September 16, 2015 by gamesfreak64

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted September 16, 2015

and if you dont believe that: check shadowwarrior 2013 email preview screenshot
i guess you wonder x days ago and the pinata says 2 days? check the screenshot pinatapromo it says the comments 2 days ago but that should be longer.
well the pinata is running longer then 2 days :D
von helsing reads 5 days ago, and pinata reads 2 days? i dont know maybe a hickup?
Indie Piñata comes to
2 days ago - 521 comments
i hope that all suspicious minds are cleared now? :D

cause my mother would have whacked me, so trust me , eventhough i am not a holyman or a pope, you can be sure i will never pull any dirty stunts, steal, bribe or whatever.
so i am quite shocked by your reply so thats why the extra proof.
Maybe it is getting more clear in an example:
User A, B,C,D buys Pinata and Support converts it to Gift code.
User E buys Pinata and Support tells him that this is not possible (because of unknown reasons)
I ask one of the users (A,B,C,D) if I understood correctly that support did help them even though support claimed that they cannot help user E. If one of the users tells me "yes, they helped me" user E could tell support that they in fact CAN help them because they helped others.
If you still misread my lines and think that there is anything accusing in it - I don't know how I could write it better. I just can repeat that I never accused you, I only accused support and you never had to proof me anything. I am totally fine with you and the things you do. This is all just a big misunderstanding and please don't be shocked because there is nothing in my lines to be shocked off.
(Where is the hug smiley if you need one?)
Edit: Maybe the problem comes from the question if you "own the games". With this I was never trying to say that you have stolen anything. But if you already had the games in the library before you got them as Pinata because according to FAQ only in this case you can turn Pinata into Gift codes. But if you never had this game before in your library and support still turned it into a gift code after asking then thi swould mean that they did what they could not do for Exoantrope. It was about double or not double keys/games and never about obtaining something illegally.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by MarkoH01

Good News again?
Registered: Dec 2010
From Belgium

Registered: Feb 2014
From Italy

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted September 16, 2015
english is also not my native language aswell, and eventhough i don't know all the exact words phrases and grammar i must say its far better then my dutch native language :D
besides there was on page 10 and page 19 a reply of me stating what games i got at the pinata
what i always do if i cant find where they replied me i always look for freak64 in the FF searchbar then i press the up and down buttons and navigate thorugh the pages till i find it :D
I do understand what you were trying to say, but the things i read were different :D
So lets say i am not mad anymore , just a bit sad, i dont blame anyone, but please think more carefull before writing something, i always try to do that aswell :D believe me i been mod in a small forum (gone now for years) but it was fun.
So i do know how to "talk' with people /users in a forum thats why i always try to "settle" things when users are going beserk over some silly stuff like " i wont buy anything from gog", just because they had some junky games in a pinata.
while they can change it to a gift if not bought as a gift.
Anyways sometime users get upset about silly tiny things while they shouldn't, my case was different cause i did felt 'attcked' in away, but its settled now i understand what you meant to say,
so no hard feelings :D
its okay
gotta go now
cya :D
besides there was on page 10 and page 19 a reply of me stating what games i got at the pinata
what i always do if i cant find where they replied me i always look for freak64 in the FF searchbar then i press the up and down buttons and navigate thorugh the pages till i find it :D
I do understand what you were trying to say, but the things i read were different :D
So lets say i am not mad anymore , just a bit sad, i dont blame anyone, but please think more carefull before writing something, i always try to do that aswell :D believe me i been mod in a small forum (gone now for years) but it was fun.
So i do know how to "talk' with people /users in a forum thats why i always try to "settle" things when users are going beserk over some silly stuff like " i wont buy anything from gog", just because they had some junky games in a pinata.
while they can change it to a gift if not bought as a gift.
Anyways sometime users get upset about silly tiny things while they shouldn't, my case was different cause i did felt 'attcked' in away, but its settled now i understand what you meant to say,
so no hard feelings :D
its okay
gotta go now
cya :D

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted September 16, 2015
Desktop Dungeons Enhanced Edition
Desktop Dungeons Enhanced Edition
Post edited September 17, 2015 by akkar