I can't handle this kind of thing. It's dangerous.
Anyway, I bought 3 the first day and one daily since. I was especially hoping for Shadow Warrior 2, Nex Machina, and perhaps Strafe, in terms of what was on my wishlist. None of that yet, but...
Day 1 got me Stalker 2, World in Conflict, and War for the Overworld.
Interestingly they say "broaden your horizons" and in that way, day 1 was successful. I don't go for RTS much and I like FPS games, so I figured stalker would be the favorite of the bunch but I think I liked the other two better. When I got World in Conflict I thought "great, a chest-beating war-themed RTS." And that's exactly what it is, but it's more fun and aggressive than I was expecting. War for the Overworld is something I can't say I'd come back to a lot but it's pretty fun for what it is. My siblings would love it a lot, I think.
Day 2 got Armikrog. Eh...for starters I don't like one of the creators. But I'm also not huge into point and click. Tried it. It's okay.
Day 3 got Heroes 3. My younger sister would be excited she was asking me if she called and asked if she could use my account to buy that and I said, wait for a sale. I don't think it's my thing so it's nice that it doesn't have to go to waste.
And this morning I got Blackguards 2...I guess in the spirit of the Pinata thing I should try it but it doesn't look like a game for me, I'm not into turn-based.
Overall day 1 was more successful than the following days. It's probably cheaper to just buy the games I'm hoping for but it's also less fun and hey, I did discover some things I would have never tried, otherwise.