snowkatt: because gog off course has the capital to spend money willy nilly
do i really need to pull out the numbers for the witcher 3 compared to mgs 5 again ?
or how square face planted because they lost 90 million which is pretty much what the witcher 3 made cd projekt red ?
or that in the first quarter of 2014 gog mad cdpr 1240 dollars ?
but yeah they should get in to hardware
look at how well valve is doing ( not at all )
the hardware is cool..i guess but its been done before
the dingoo the open pandora etc
joelandsonja: I don't mean GOG should start building hardware, I'm saying GOG should try to make their games more compatible with third party handheld devices. It looks like Steam will be supported on this handheld.
gog holds a fraction of the pc gaming market along with uplay origin and battle net
the rest of the market share is all steam
so off course this thing supports steam
i think gog should just concentrate on what they do well ( drm free games and old gmes) and grow naturally from that
steam didnt become a behemoth overnight
zeogold: I think they've got a long way to go before they look into that. They're not really very big yet at all.
joelandsonja: I don't really know what would be required to make that happen, but it sure would be sweet.
more support from developers
same day releases
price parity
japanese pc developers on board
more mainstream exposure ( gaming media and advertising)
bigger market share
none of that is really happening right now really
gog mostly;y loses cdpr money and its the witcher ip that keeps them afloat