Since GOG is generally incredibly ineffective at fixing this forum, here is an idea on how we can do it ourselves.
1. Get a server capable of running Node.
I have one I can use for testing, but if we decide to fully go through with this, I'm not paying for a production one as a matter of principle. Fortunately it's only $5 with Digital Ocean so if a few of you pitch in I'll pay my share as well. Or someone can just donate theirs — we won't need much space and bandwidth.
2. Write a service, which will poll the site at certain intervals, open the relevant pages and check for updates. Should such updates be detected, it will email you a notification.
The Good: You get notifications.
The Bad: It'll be tied to your email, might occasionally have false positives and false negatives, depending on how easy it would be to actually detect relevant changes.
The Ugly: It will need your login and password. This means that despite the code being open source you will never feel entirely safe because whoever is running that server will (if they so desire) be able to access you info. Which is bad and not recommended. Also, since GOG doesn't provide any secure authentication methods, your credentials will have to be stored as plain text in order to supply them to GOG during login. And you will also need to disable that two-tier authentication for it to work. All that in mind, I would say this is actually worse than not having notifications.
TLDR: We can fix it ourselves and it will work, but it's a SUPREMELY bad idea security-wise.
Solution: Once the software is written it should be vetted by all of the forum's trustworthy software devs (and hopefully at least one GOG engineer) and then you will be able to run it yourself on your own server. That way only you will have access to it and nobody can steal your info. It will, however, involve setting up your own server, getting the software running and so on. So if you are not a technical person you'll probably find that this is not worth the benefits.
Post edited July 23, 2017 by