timppu: I was about to ask the same. In fact, I recall reading another similar discussion a couple of months ago where another Gwent-player was complaining about the exact opposite, ie. you lose automatically if your internet gets disconnected (even accidentally).
So, what gives? Has GOG changed this and now people are complaining about the opposite? To me it sounded fair that a disconnecting player loses.
Have you considered playing some other multiplayer game, like Team Fortress 2? There people don't win by rage-quitting, in fact their team starts doing worse if people keep quitting. Less players in their team, you see?
Also if I get disconnected in a match and reconnect right afterwards to the same server/game, I lose all my points, so I am like "Awww, I had the most scores of all, and now have to start from 0 again? Oh well, I guess I just have to kill enemies twice as hard as before.".
Maybe giving a window to reconnect would have been a good middle ground. But, then, I have not played Gwent and don't know much about it.
Team Fortress 2 is the only multiplayer game that I personally find fun. Player are much more chilled out, and only occasionally I find people raging.