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I can't stand Pewdiepie (and his imitators).
Also, DSP is known to me as Digital Signal Processor. That's it. :D
I don't know who or what the hell either of them are, so I guess that shows how much impact they have on my existence.
digital signal processing, yea i hate it too, the course is shit
DSP is one of the only gaming channels I'm subscribed to. I like his humor and honest take on video-games.
Personally, I prefer videos that let the games stand on their own without audio commentary.
I can definitely understand why some people might not like Disability Support Pension.
Speaking as someone who hasn't watched either of them for more than ten minutes, I think Pewdiepie is seen as extremely annoying, while DSP is an asshole. Understandably, one of those garners more hate than the other.
Xel.naga: I don't fucking get it.
MaximumBunny: What about people that aren't okay with either of them? :|
And what about people that don't get the very idea of watching others play over a video? Teeheeheehee!
Hate is a strong word. I dislike both, for different reasons.
He's from a minority country. People who dislike him are racist.
I love Pewds.....
I recommend REroll.

Good voice, no excessive or annoying behavior and his remarks are actually interesting.
I think anyone who watches other people play games instead of playing games themselves is a fucking moron.
The only one I could stand was Kikoskia. Or anyone with a calm voice who doesn't swear, say stupid things or react emotionally. So just about the opposite of that Pdp creature. In fact, the best Let's Player is a silent one. Like in a LP of Shadow Man, which had the commentary in captions instead of voice. It was pretty funny too. Many LPers can't pull off a decent flow in their videos. Often they'll just stand around explaining things or fiddle with their inventory and character sheet and I have to skip ahead. You explain things on the move, during the more quiet parts.
Charon121: Many LPers can't pull off a decent flow in their videos. Often they'll just stand around explaining things or fiddle with their inventory and character sheet and I have to skip ahead.
I can't be bothered watching them because with that stuff I just feel like they're wasting my time when I do. Give me a well-edited video with post-play review/commentary and I'm good.