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Check the DRM definition:)
Yes, buts its wrong in one fundamental word:
DRM: An expensive and controversial way of making paying customers wait almost a week (at minimum) to play the latest games, sometimes.

I have still only played GTA4 for around half an hour (thankfully as it turns out) since I brought it full price at release day.

Abandonware: A nice sounding but legally-meaningless term for games no longer sold and thus deemed fair to download for free. Respectable abandonware sites will remove any that return to the market, such as via GOG.COM, even if their current rights-holders ambitiously think a game that nobody actually liked back in 1995 is now worth $10, had nothing to do with the original, and nobody involved with its creation is being paid.
Oh wow, stopped reading right there.

Abandonware: A nice sounding but legally-meaningless term for games no longer sold and thus deemed fair to download for free. Respectable abandonware sites will remove any that return to the market, such as via GOG.COM, even if their current rights-holders ambitiously think a game that nobody actually liked back in 1995 is now worth $10, had nothing to do with the original, and nobody involved with its creation is being paid.
WBGhiro: Oh wow, stopped reading right there.
Why? It's a bit exaggerated for dramatic effect, as all these are, but generally true.
Assassin’s Creed: Ubisoft wishing you a Happy New Year.
That's really funny. I actually started laughing when I read it.
It's not a serious article. It's just for a bit of laughs. So, don't take it seriously.:)

Abandonware: A nice sounding but legally-meaningless term for games no longer sold and thus deemed fair to download for free. Respectable abandonware sites will remove any that return to the market, such as via GOG.COM, even if their current rights-holders ambitiously think a game that nobody actually liked back in 1995 is now worth $10, had nothing to do with the original, and nobody involved with its creation is being paid.
WBGhiro: Oh wow, stopped reading right there.
Why? It's clearly not a serious article.
WBGhiro: Oh wow, stopped reading right there.
darthspudius: Why? It's clearly not a serious article.
The rest of it was removed due to a copyright infringement, king owned all the other words.
Almost always true - except for Diablo 3, those Blizzard assholes...
Thanks, wolfsrain, that was an enjoyable read.
Sharing: the process of chaining everything you own to a pickup truck, driving to a friends house and passing him the hedge trimmer he wanted to borrow. Just ignore the screams of pain as you drive home to put the kettle on.
Finished game: See beta.

I laughed hard at this...
Good for a few chuckles. My favorites were DLC, fall damage, God game, mob, quest, touchscreens and zombie.
That was funny. I liked difficulty level, checkpoint and achievement.
My favorite is DLC! :))