If you like Strategy games, Matrix/Slitherine have physical* DRM-lite** games on their store.
*: you have to pay $10 more than the price for the digital game, there are 3 kinds of packaging depending of the game (and you still own the digital game):
Express (box, CD/DVD, but no manual)
Standard (box, CD/DVD, b&w manual)
Collector (box, CD/DVD, manual in colours)
If you already purchased the game but only digital, there are upgrades available for boxed copy.
**: the only copy protection is a CD Key "printed" in the disc, no need to have the disc inserted in drive except for install, no online activation, registration is only needed if you want to download beta updates.
And if you don't mind Steam (I know, I know, you said you didn't want it), a Steam key for some games available can be asked.
Sometimes, I would have loved to see GOG doing something like that.
I assume there are regular and collector's german boxed copies available on Amazon.de (IIRC, Shadow Tactics is DRM-free)