timppu: 1. Sea levels will rise 10cm more. That is a nuisance, not a catastrophe. I guess the Dutch need to build 10cm higher flood walls to keep sea out of their dry land, or move to Finland (we still have a rising land here, whee!).
Lukaszmik: No, at 1.5C temperature increase the seas will rise 10cm less than at 2C temperature increase.
And that is what I was talking about all along, as the report was suggesting we should limit the increase from the current 1 degree to 1.5 degrees, instead of 2 degrees, because of the hefty 10cm increase (between 1.5 and 2 degrees).
So how much do you suggest the sea level will rise if we are able to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees? 10 meters? 1000 meters? And going further to 2 degrees will increase it only by measly extra 10cm?
timppu: 2. Corals will die more. Meh, maybe it is time for them to die, they had a good long life already. Where is the closest coral to me anyway, in Australia? That's on the other side of the globe.
Lukaszmik: What could go wrong with the destruction of THE major part of biosphere in the oceans?
So what will go wrong? Tell me. The report already suggested that most of it is already gone and going (even if we manage to limit it to 1.5 degrees), so are we in a living hell already?
timppu: 3. Less ice on North Pole and South Pole. Ok... why should I care? Does my life somehow depend on that ice? It is not like the ice cubes on my drinks are brought straight from the North Pole.
Lukaszmik: All that water has to go somewhere...
Sea level increase already discussed before, and what else?
Lukaszmik: The Day after Tomorrow also has a somewhat entertaining way of explaining one potential consequence of desalination of oceans (the movie is actually based on several scientific papers).
"Potential". You alarmists should make up your mind already, are we heading to a new ice age, or fiery super-hot weather. Maybe in between?
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Waterworld movie as well.
timppu: I still didn't see signs of incoming apocalypse in that report, why I should be concerned that the world will be a living hell for my grand-grand-children.
Lukaszmik: Aside from the increased environmental hostility already present around the globe (record droughts here, record flooding there
Or then they are more in the global news nowadays
Yes, there were tornados, floods, droughts, locusts etc. also 100 years ago, even if people on the other side of the globe didn't hear about them in real time, like now.
Also you need to take into account the increase in population, which enforces such effects (more people living in areas with potential droughts, floods etc., and partly also causing them, e.g. more people consuming ground water. I have no idea why the climate change alarmist never want to discuss about the population growth, as if it in itself isn't a big problem. You should start demanding forced birth control to areas with high population growth.
Lukaszmik: Hell, there's already a strong correlation between immigration and effects of climate change for some parts of the world.
The main reason for mass immigration from poorer countries is simply the population explosion in said areas. For instance:
Also, if you are against climate change, you should be strongly opposed to the idea of people moving from poorer countries to e.g. Europe and other countries where they end up becoming bigger consumers, producing more and more CO2.
Sahara desert is not a consequence of this modern climate change, it was there already 100 years ago.