Carradice: Some posters in this thread have expressed curiosity about the effects of climate change.
<raises hand>
Carradice: Why keep guessing? Just two weeks ago, the international panel on climate change (IPCC) released a
special report on global warming at 1.5 Celsius degrees, comparing its probable effects with those of a global warming at 2º C.
How many thousand pages is that? Can you point to the exact pages where the effects are listed in detail, rather than me trying to find the needle from the proverbial haystack?
I've mainly read the articles made by "concerned journalists" after the release of that IPCC report, but somehow they've been similarly vague about WHAT is supposed to going to happen. Here is one example: (sorry, in Finnish)
implies about the end of the world, but doesn't explain it more. It says there was a heavy rain in Mallorca where a couple of tourists died in the floods: that was the end of the world? Or only part of it? Yet, it admits that "ok maybe the flood was not directly a consequence of the climate change... but such things could be more common due to climate change.". Again, just some vague hand waving.
That article also has a list of "ten things climate change and global warming will mean to Finland", which are:
1. Winters will be warmer, less snow in winters. (ummm, ok, makes sense... some might consider that positive)
2. Stronger winds, more rains, summers
might be drier.
3. Longer growing season for plants (wait, isn't that actually a positive thing...?)
4. More pests (ok, makes sense I guess, they survive better in warm. I guess there are no locusts in North Pole, whee).
5. Warmer summers (no shit Sherlock? Yet, some alarmists claim climate change would mean a new ice age instead?)
6. Indoor air problems, like more mold in apartments etc., due to increased humidity in warmer summers I presume. I guess one needs to keep windows open in warmer summers so that the air circulates.
7. Climate refugees invading the Europe (ok I admit, that is bad, but then I feel economy is the main reason for the "refugees").
8. More ticks (I guess they like warm, this is related to point #4 above).
9. Winters will be darker and more depressive due to lack of snow (oh come one, that starts to be nitpicking, grasping at straws).
10. Fauna will be different (umm ok, makes sense, birds who like cold will move more to north, and new kinds of animals will arrive here.)
None of that sounds like some kind of apocalypse. If the "catastrophic" effects are something else, why do these alarmist journalist articles list bullshit irrelevant things like these?
Carradice: Keep in mind that right now we are already at 1º C. The Paris Agreement of 2014 binds the subscriber to a maximum of 2º C, and the report indicates that it is just too little of an effort.
So, are we already half-way to the end of the world then? Why don't I see practically any signs of apocalypse yet compared to decades ago when I was a child? Shouldn't half of that apocalypse be here already?
Carradice: To provide just a sample, with 2º C we lose all the coral. All of it. Now, the good news: with 1.5º C, we might just lose between the 70% and the 90%. The report indicates that we have a margin of 12 years to take strong action.
Ok, and that is important... why exactly? I don't eat coral, so I think I, and my grand-grand-children, can survive without. There is no coral around here anyway, yet we are doing fine.
Why does it feel to me that out of all possible signs of incoming apocalypse, you picked probably the most irrelevant example? Who gives a shit about coral? Give something that really gives me the creeps, like that climate change will make the dinosaurs emerge and stomp all over the humankind.
Please, could you just list the top five threats from climate change? I'll list two that I remember reading somewhere:
1. There might not be enough food (crops etc.) for the growing humankind. But... isn't there the real problem the growth of the humankind, rather than the crops? Why are the climate change alarmist so indifferent about the growth of the humankind, as if it doesn't matter? Why aren't they demanding more forced birth control to areas with high population growth, like Africa, Middle-East and Asia? The more people there are on the planet, the more we consume and pollute, yes?
2. The sea levels will rise. First of all, since we are supposed to be halfway to the apocalypse already, shouldn't this be a problem already now? How much has the sea level risen, and have the big cities been flooded by sea? At least here the sea has been retracting instead, as the ground still keeps rising, recovering from the earlier ice age where two kilometers thick ice kept pressing the ground down. They e.g. say that the Baltic Sea will become a lake at some point of time due to the rising land, as the Baltic Sea will lose its contact with the Atlantic Ocean, between Denmark and Sweden.
Moreover, is it really an apocalypse if the sea keeps rising? People will need to move more towards inland over time, so what? Isn't it just good news for Mother Earth that this vermin known as humans (humen? hymen?) will have less land to pollute?
I'll have to check your later links, whether they have some concrete signs of incoming apocalypse, or whether they are just more of empty hand waving.