Shmacky-McNuts: You happen to notice not one USA member has it though? Because in the US you cannot get it. Thus yer kinda $h!t out of luck with that "service".
The retards that run the company(not gog) give false information on places you can buy it at as well. Which of course you can't >_>
People also mention buying online versions or credits....well that sorta defeats the purpose now doesn't it? I mean if I gave a crap about buying online I would think the multiple anger threads regarding this would be moot. The whole point is to not have to use credit/debit/paypal. Buy a physical item to use on gog, if I'm correct in thinking that is what the OP was regarding?
I've chat with a number of people on this forum about such a thing. Sadly all reports for USA members are negative. We don't get consideration even though we are the largest group. Go figure -_-
While I'm glad you folks in europe are able to use other methods, the rest of us seem not as important to GOG.
Hammercorps: So paysafecard's been lying about being able to get these in the US?
That's messed up...
1- Yes, they not only lie, they also give you a map on their page that gives false locations to where they "sell" the credit option. As in, you type in your locale and they show a bunch of places that don't actually have it. I spent an entire day finding this out. Called a dozen other places and not one place had it. Out of like 20 on their map. I figured...screw this, I have better stuff to do.
2-DON'T USE PRE-PAID CARDS! Even when it says you can use it internationally. They DO. NOT. WORK! Sadly they flatout lie to customers as well. I even called Visa regarding one new card that I used physically in a store(that worked so I didn't lose the cash). The women stated, you have to sign up with they and activate the card. THEN they will send you a legit card in the mail to use on line. Which is defeating the entire point, no?
So I say...isn't that false advertising? She said, yes technically it is, but they get away with it because nobody is watching them. I was Whats that? lol I thanked her and spent the card in real stores. Kinda pisses people off that GOG staff has no interest in accommodating their customers.