Posted August 01, 2019

I agreed and Paypal didn't complete the purchase since I don't have a card linked. I do have to login every time and it asks me to agree every single time. I don't think it's working as intended until a purchase is successfully completed - which won't happen for me because of that bug.
I'll see what happens when it actually works. If it auto-purchases without my password I won't be very happy. In the meantime I'm removing GoG's authorization from PayPal until I can test it.
[EDIT] I'll give GoG the benefit of the doubt until then - to an extent. Breaking a method of payment for a week because they didn't test a new system well enough falls squarely on GoG's shoulders though.

(As you can see the only options are to "agree and pay" or "cancel and return to gog")
EDIT: Just for information, I had already previously disabled One Touch payments in my PayPal account settings.
Post edited August 01, 2019 by groundhog42