DRCRAFT: Pathfinder will not run after instillation. The game freezes after loading. Screen is full size with purple color and the curser is visible. The game will not play after installation. Is screen size the problem--- how would I adjust screen size? Help! Thank you! David
https://www.gog.com/forum/pathfinder_wrath_of_the_righteous/important_if_your_game_crashes_on_the_splashscreen https://www.gog.com/forum/pathfinder_wrath_of_the_righteous Edit:
We have a bug where the game crashes on startup if the user has more than one monitor and they have different settings (DPI, possibly resolution). This is a known Unity bug, and we need to update the Unity version to fix it, but it will take some time.
As a workaround, please force the game to run on another monitor by supplying -monitor N startup parameter via Steam or through command-line arguments, where N is an index of a monitor (1, 2, etc.). You can try several indices and see if the game will start without a crash on one of his devices. E.G run the game first with -monitor 1 and if it crashes, with -monitor 2 parameter.