hollibolli1970: Is it to much to ask that Patch Notes are updated if an update is applied? Do i have to look up the game on Steam to see what has been fixed or what was added?
AB2012: You're right they should be updated, but that's on the devs rather than GOG. And Steam is often even worse with the "update history" page ending up more of a news hub filled with advertising for newer games made by the same dev, the publisher "announces a sale", "livestream - Watch now!", etc) rather than actual game update changelogs. Example - see the unholy mess of how
Mars Horizon's "update history / changelog" pages end up on Steam too...
Your example is a game released 3 days ago. Is there even a patch out for this game? I am talking about UBOAT for example, wich has recieved many patches since release. The newest is b128 hotfix 1. Yet, here the latest notes are from b126. This way behind the actual patch as far as notes are concerned is the case with nearly every game i own here since i joined GOG in 2016. Sometimes it took days or even several month to have the up to date changelog, wich was never the case on Steam.
GOG should and has to make sure that devs provide the changelog as soon as a patch is applied. If they don't, cut their profit or consider not releasing future games from them here. It is not up to us to copy paste such important information from Steam or any other site to the game related forums here.
Edit: I am well aware, that GOG is looked down upon by many actual devs and wannabe devs, but, if a dev can't be arsed to provide actual patch notes, wich are important in case your savegames are not usable with the new version of the game than those lazy bumps should be pressed to do so. Maybe GOG should include a contractual clause that devs must provide changelogs in a timely manner.