a4plz: What are the teams this round anyway?
Women Glow and Men Plunder:
a4plz - clue-giver
PaterAlf - word-guesser
omega64 - clue-giver
Maxvorstadt - word-guesser
To clarify about the new rules:
Both teams have the same password. Watch out for the clues given by the other team as well.
There are 5 passwords in all. These 5 passwords link together for a "super password". Whoever guesses the regular password correctly gets a shot at the super password.
1 point per password, 2 points for guessing the super password. The team with the most points after 5 passwords wins.
Note that this is sort of a "test run" of sorts to see whether this setup works better or the old one. Just thought we'd try something a little different.