rgnrk: On the other hand, the real reason that propelled my response; what a rude, ignorant, agressive and disrespectful statement you made. I sure hope you bought the game at full price (and it wasn't very expensive) to justify the vitriol. Although it's not difficult to read these kind of juvenile retorts in GOG; from people that should now better but can't restrain their anger and spit it out towards everything around.
There are probably people that dislike Party Hard (it's not a flawless game), and you probably wouldn't want them shitting on it. You should always try to show the same common courtesy to others.
Hank Williams said it best You liked DreamBreak? If you did, then by all means, go enjoy it.
What I said is not rude, ignorant nor disrespectul. Agressive? Yes, I will give you that.
The game is garbage by any standard: the story is non-existen, the controls are terrible (Controller setting included), the music is barely passable, the graphics are dull and more "goodies".
What do you want me to say? That it was a marsterpiece? It's crap. Period.
And that thing you said about Party Hard at the end, do you think it doesn't happen? People shitting at games I like, I mean. It happens all the time and you know what? Sometimes, they are right.
Sometimes games are not fun but there are certain people that enjoy them.
If I had to throw a bitch fit like you did everytime someone said something bad about a game I like, I would need a 50 hours-long day.
About the ammount I had to pay, it doesn't matter: a good game is a good game and DreamBreak, clearly isn't. I don't judge games based on how much I paid for them. I wouldn't recomend playing DreamBreak even for free.
And about the "juvenile retorts" as you put it, I don't know about other people but what I did is far from what you claim.
You think because I said DreamBreak is "a f-ing piece of garbage" means I can't "restrain my anger and spit it out towards everything around"? Really? That's how it looks like to you? Did I go around in the forums insulting DreamBreak for NO REASON but anger? I said what I said about DreamBreak because it worked as a good example of the fact I wanted to state: sometimes, bad games are approved by GOG and good games are not.
I think the one with the juvenile attitude here is you, who easily gets offended when someone says something you don't like.