MaGo72: Well apart from being a convenient target to be demonized.
Yeah, lately all dogs are barking that Putin is evil, it's the new psychosis or something. First, George Sorros, who should be FIRST in those supposed panama papers for shady off-shore companies of ambiguous at best interests and unknown activities, has been spamming locally at least, statements like: "Russia is the greatest threat to Europe, even bigger than the Jihadists"! Rumor goes that part of his companies and activities deal in the "refugee handling" business of late, among other things, as well those mysterious troublemakers ("altruists"), who organize them for assaults (like the one in "macedonia" borders, lately)!
Even NATO suits made open statements like those, like ol' boy Stolt... But everyone knows better than me that it's NATO's main job, to destabilize far-away countries who aren't their own, OWNED, lap-dogs...
I love all the drama, bitching and moaning, but at the same time, it drives me nuts! Can't people accept that some politicians can be powerful and successful, without corruption or shady activities in the picture? Or politicians who care for and provide safety and security, first and foremost, for their OWN PEOPLE, first and foremost?
At least i have something decent to watch while eating popcorn. I love american sitcoms and european drama. Especially when presented from shady renegades (like Sorros) that are the carnival's main attraction, something like the clown-king!