Posted December 22, 2019
low rated
retrorealms: I'd argue that the work required would be extremely modest compared to the utility. They would basically just have to copy/duplicate the code for the "Wishlist" (or "In Library") feature and do a few very minor tweaks to it - that's all. In fact, I'd argue that even a complete programming noob could locate these functions in the GOG code and copy and tweak them slightly without a problem. Near- zero time, money, and effort required!
Not to downplay this idea too much, but are you basing this on related knowledge of coding/etc or are you just guessing/approximating? Even if it were as simple as copy-paste they'd need to test it on all browsers they support/make sure it's all implemented correctly/etc to avoid any mishaps.
retrorealms: For instance, duplicate the "Wishlist It" function/feature, rename the duplicate as "Mark as Owned", place a link called "Owned" or "Non-GOG Library" below either "Wishlist" or "Games" in the user tab, and label owned games in the store with the text "Owned" using another color scheme to distinguish this label visually from "In Library" and "Wishlisted". And there you go, now everyone can mark anything they choose as owned and clearly see this label when browsing the store. Hours of unnecessary confusion and frustration for thousands of GOG users magically swept away once and for all!
I think that is slightly oversimplifying what needs to be done...else we'd likely have had it implemented by now(if not by gog then by those who make scripts and tools for the site) would be nice for some of us to have such, though.