timppu: 1. Apparently it is not free-to-play, but you have to pay for the game upfront. I haven't yet paid a dime for TF2 (never say never though, I'm close to doing that in order to get the competitive gameplay mode, and to get more inventory space for weapons...), and I simply have some reluctance to pay for multiplayer-only games, because I feel the risk is too great that I won't just like the game e.g. due to the other players. Whenever I am disgusted by e.g. TF2, it is the other players, mainly people who play stupid, or people who cheat.
Neither was TF2, it became free to play many years after it got released.
DaCostaBR: How did you do on the brawl? I haven't tried yet, but the only heroes available that I've played a significant amount are Hanzo and Soldier, and even then barely, so I'm not sure I'm gonna do so well.
It's kind of a tower defense minigame. Normal is manageable with total randos unless they are complete tards, as long as you can kind of aim with the hero you have you're okay. With hard you need to have follow the guidelines, and the McCree has to carry his weight.
If you kind of want to spoil the surprise, i'll give you some tips for hard mode and how important each character is:
1) McCree, don't play this guy unless you're very confident, winning hard mode is mostly on your shoulders. The key is on using your ult boosted by ana at the right moments, if you whiff it it's likely you'll loose the match. It's advised you take either of the side "lanes". Don't ulti the 3rd reaper, save it for the final wave instead. Keep reapers stunned with your E so they can't wraith. Stay away from Roadhog as his hook will fuck you over. Ana's boost will make you able to one-shot most bosses (or take almost all their health) and clear the whole area. As in the normal game your Fan+roll+Fan combo is devastating.
2) Ana, you're in charge of boosting people and keeping them alive during boss fights and from random shots from the zomnics. As I said earlier it's vital to boost McCree at the right time and keeping him alive. You can help with crow control especially keeping the shooting zomnics at bay. Roadhog and Reaper are vital sleep targets keep them down whenever you can, you can use your grenade agreesively but it's not really that effective try to use it only as a heal, but don't undervalue the damage you can dish out with your rifle.
3) Soldier 76, Your job is crowd control shoot anything that moves and use your sprint to be where you need to be. Since you have a heal you can sort of tank a bit, but don't get too close to bosses. You're also likely to get a boost if Cree doesn't, so keep your ult ready since it can off almost half off any boss' health otherwise use it when you're getting overwhelmed. Your rockets do a fair amount of damage and can take out shooter zonics and Junkrat wheels alike in one shot if aimed correctly. As long as you have good positioning you can play this guy even if you aim's not that great
4) Hanzo is kinf of the fifth wheel on the cart instead of the fourth, his shots do a lot of damage to bosses if you get headshots and your ulti does damge too. Overall it doesn't really make that much of a difference how good you are since your skills are useless in this mode. Try to help by sniping high priority targets like shooters and wheels, and use your ult for crowd control or boss damage when necessary. You can get away with playing a shodd hanzo if the other players are competent.