bllisard? right, after D2 and W3 which were their last good games, they just milked the funboys with their new iterations of their only three games.
this overthewatch (or whatever the name is or will be) is the same milking. but it is their fourth game. yay!
But, to be honest, if I were them I'd milk them funboys too, they fully deserve it.
I'm so glad I never gave them a cent (I played D2 and W3 from a friend account) and I never ever will.
I always tell people that if they want D2 they should look no further than
Path of Exile ... it's at least at the same level with D3 and imo it's slighly better than D3 ... and It's completely FREE! ... but no, them funboys are fun for a reason, if no diabolo in the title and no bllisardo as producer they don't want to even hear about it.
At no point did it occur to them funboys to just quit that producer and those three franchises and bever look back, now they're mad and frustrated they can't acces the fourth cookie of their gods and have to stay in line to play a damned BETA! This, sadly, really is the epiphany of irrationality.
And just wait and watch them storm the theatres next year for the soon to be biggest flop W movie!
I swear, I'd give bllisardo an award for the perfect method of reaping and milking their funbase!